Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Best Practices When You Suspect You Have Mold

6/4/2024 (Permalink)

MOLD ON DRYWALL mold found on back of drywall during remediation

Mold may cause health effects as well as significant damage to your property. SERVPRO of Blackwood has the training, protective gear, and specialized equipment necessary to handle your mold issues.

If you have a mold problem in your home or business, keep in mind the following facts:

  • Significant mold growth can occur within 48-72 hours.
  • Mold may present a health risk to children, the elderly.
  • A strong, musty odor may indicate hidden mold behind drywall or under carpeting/flooring.

What to Do:

  • Stay away from affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans. This can help keep the mold contained to just the affected areas.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Blackwood for mold remediation services as soon as possible!

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry or clean the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold. This can cause it to spread more rapidly.

Mold Remediation Services

If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Blackwood has the training, equipment, and expertise to handle the situation.

About SERVPRO of Blackwood

SERVPRO of Blackwood specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after fire or water damage events. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our team is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. We are a local, Veteran owned and operated business.

Have a Mold Problem?

Call us today at (856) 227-7800, we are available 24/7!

Mold: Where Is It?

10/3/2023 (Permalink)

mold on wall/ceiling of bathroom areas of mold seen on the wall and ceiling of a bathroom

Everyone wants to think their home is pristine. You do your best to maintain a clean environment. There's no way there is mold in your home...right? Unfortunately, there are many instances where mold may be hiding within your residence, despite your best efforts.

Mold problems can occur in any home if conditions are ideal for growth. No amount of vacuuming or dusting will prevent mold growth if warmth, moisture and a nutrient source are present.

Here are some common "hot spots" to keep an eye on:


The kitchen is a location that may have moisture issues which can contribute to mold growth.

  • Check under your sink. A small pipe leak may go unnoticed, letting the moisture and water damage sit untreated. Leaks combined with dark spaces are the perfect environment for mold.
  • The sponge dish may have a mold problem. You use your sponge to wash dishes every day, but when you put it back in its dish, moisture may begin to collect, and mold may begin to form.
  • Under your fridge isn’t safe either. Yes, even your refrigerator may have moisture issues. The refrigerator can leak without you knowing. There is a drip pan under your refrigerator that can collect excess water, but if left untreated, mold can form.

Laundry Room

Your washing machine can be a hot spot for mold. Check the door of the washing machine, inside the gasket. Dark, warm, moist areas are ideal for mold growth. Make sure to wipe under the door gasket after each wash to prevent mold growth. Also leave the door open to air out the washing machine.


Your shower or tub may be hiding mold without your knowledge.

  • Check under lids and bottoms of shower products. You may forget to pick these products up and clean underneath. Moisture can become trapped under the lids or under the products and mold can form.
  • Bath toys may be fun for kids, but they may also be housing mold. Water may get inside the toys and be unable to get out. This is a difficult location to discover mold. You may need to open one of the toys to see if mold is growing inside, and if there is mold, replace all of the toys, as there most likely will be mold within them as well.

Mold does not discriminate and may develop in any property if ideal conditions are met. Mold can cause health issues with excess exposure, so it is important to remove any mold you discover. If you suspect mold may be in your property, contact a professional home inspector. A home inspector will be able to conduct mold tests which will be able to identify moldy areas within your home. Once mold is officially discovered, contact a qualified mold remediation company, such as SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp., to remediate the mold and restore your home to the haven you work so hard to maintain.

If you have mold issues in your home, contact SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. at (856)227-7800 to arrange for a mold inspection today!

SERVPRO Helps Sicklerville Homeowners Ease Mold Restoration

9/8/2023 (Permalink)

moldy crawlspace area Mold cannot hide from SERVPRO. We complete mold remediation at your Sicklerville home, "Like it never even happened."

Any house can develop mold colonies at any time. Many breakouts are easy to control by making a few changes, such as removing wet contents, regulating temperature, and airing the affected rooms. Sometimes, the action you take does not seem to change anything, and that is when you realize the mold has become a problem. Finding a definitive way to remediate the mold damage is essential to restoring preloss conditions to your Sicklerville home.

Even if it is the first time your Sicklerville home develops mold damage, you can establish whether the problem is severe by considering the signs it exhibits. Hence, you can take corrective action in good time rather than wasting effort on trial and error solutions. A seasoned restoration team like SERVPRO can help because we understand mold development processes clearly.

Indicators of a severe problem

  • Indoor air quality is compromised
  • Structural materials developing rot-like deterioration
  • Mold spreading within concealed areas

Mold emits a musty odor and releases particulate matter into the air when any abrasive force disturbs the colonies. If the contamination is significant, the released materials can compromise the indoor air quality. Limited contamination can also lead to the same outcome if it affects the HVAC air ducts. Either way, you need to take remedial action. Special skills are necessary when the problem affects the ventilation systems, while significant resources are essential if the colonies have spread over vast areas of the property. SERVPRO helps with both aspects since we have certified Applied Microbial Remediation Technicians who understand mold problems well. We also have sufficient equipment varieties, including special vacuum cleaners for extracting residues from air ducts.

Material Deterioration After a Mold Infestation

Mold develops in at least four stages, including sporulation and hyphal growth. Catching the infestation at your home in the early stages simplifies remediation since you can easily wipe it off surfaces with relative ease. However, if it progresses to the hyphal stage, it burrows deep into organic materials as it consumes nutrients. The resulting deterioration is similar to rot, leading to loss of structural integrity.

Solutions that counter severe contamination

  • Controlled demolition to remove materials
  • Standard and specialized cleaning
  • Humidity control and air purification

Porous and semi-porous materials bear the brunt when mold contaminates a property. Porous materials include things like carpets, pads, and drywall. Removal is the best solution to tackle contamination affecting such materials. Semi-porous materials may consist of frames and hardwood floorboards. Demolishing the affected areas helps remove and replace heavily deteriorated materials. You should do such demolition in a controlled manner to avoid unnecessary problems. Our SERVPRO crews set up containment barriers, establish negative air pressure and use precision cutting tools to facilitate such demolition. We strongly suggest against DIY demolition regarding mold damage removal.

Cleaning the masses of moldy colonies and residues in your house is essential to defeating a mold problem. Since mold thrives in wet conditions, cleaning that does not involve water is preferable. Options such as vacuuming, wire-brushing, and damp wiping surfaces with antimicrobial products are usually sufficient. Our SERVPRO technicians use soda or dry ice blasting for challenging areas such as unfinished surfaces to improve the outcomes. The two methods drive pellets at high air pressure against a surface. The force disintegrates the pellets (bicarbonate of soda), creating the necessary agitation force to remove the colonies. Dry ice pellets sublimate from a solid to a gaseous state. So, no cleanup of the medium or moisture is required.

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. responds to any case of mold damage making it “Like it never even happened.” You can reach us at (856)227-7800.

Mold Remediation & Restoring

8/29/2022 (Permalink)

Mold Treatment Mold in cabinet under sink

Any home or business can quickly become infested with mold with the introduction of a water source, like a roof or plumbing leak. Mold can spread throughout a property in as little as 48-72 hours, and can produce allergens and irritants that have the potential to cause other health effects.  

If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Blackwood/Goucester Township  Restoration Franchise Professionals can inspect and assess your property. If mold is found, they have the training, equipment, and expertise to handle the situation.

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township Restoration Franchise Professionals

  • Provide 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Highly Trained Water Restoration Specialists
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry with over 1,650 Franchises

If You See Signs of Mold, Call 856-227-7800

Understanding Mold

Microscopic mold spores exist almost everywhere, outdoors and indoors, making it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or on a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. 
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return. 
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

Common Mold Misconceptions

With sensational news stories and misleading advertising, you can easily understand why so many people are misinformed about indoor mold. Learn the facts about mold and the mold remediation process.

Why Choose a SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township Restoration Franchise Professional?

They’re Faster to Any Size Disaster

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township Franchise Professionals are dedicated to responding immediately when you contact them. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.

They’re Highly Trained Mold Remediation Specialists

They specialize in water and mold damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township Franchise Professionals have the training and expertise to safely handle any mold situation.

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician

They Use Advanced Mold Remediation Techniques and Equipment

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township Restoration Franchise Professionals use advanced equipment to detect the source of water feeding the mold. Next, they isolate the affected area using a negative air pressure chamber.

Our Technicians can Quickly Evaluate the Items Damaged by Mold to Determine What can be Salvaged.

7/29/2022 (Permalink)

Mold forming on kitchen ceiling. Mold forming on kitchen ceiling, causing it to colapse onto appliances.

Toxic mold can be a serious threat to New Jersey homeowners. It feeds on organic materials and may ruin your items beyond repair. Worse still, these fungi can possibly cause mold-related issues. Like with all living organisms, mold and mildew require certain elements to grow and thrive. These include moisture, mold spores, proper temperatures, and of course, carbon items. When these elements are sufficient in any given area, they create the ideal environment for mold growth.
SERVPRO is a longstanding restoration company that has been fighting mold in New Jersey homes for many years. We are proud to have our IICRC-certified technicians responding to your emergency when a mold event happens.

Our technicians can easily remove mold damage from materials that have a solid, or non-porous surface. Some examples are glass, metal, and plastic. We use plant-based antimicrobial products and water, drying equipment (such as dehumidifiers and air movers/scrubbers) among other tools during the clean-up process. Due the absence of pores, our SERVPRO mold remediation experts can wash and dry these items using special techniques. Without pores, the spores cannot burrow into the item, instead they remain on the surface where they are easily expendable.

Porous items cannot be "safely" cleaned, treated, or effectively kept in the sun due to their porous nature. Mold spores build up in small spaces, increasing their chances of survival. Once they find a pore that is small, safe, and comfortable enough, the mold spores lay dormant and wait for moisture to initiate growth. Their roots grow downward, making them extremely stable on porous items.
Removing mold damage from fabric clothing can be easy in some circumstances, but still requires professional assistance. Apart from safety purposes, washing alone cannot restore mold-damaged clothing to its original state. SERVPRO technicians can provide the best solution to ensure that you do not lose the item completely. It is important to clean the material sooner rather than later to reduce the risk of sustaining irreversible damage.
Research has shown that mold takes anywhere between 24 and 48 hours to make an impact. If you detect the presence of mold growth in your house, let SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp come in and assess the damage. You can reach us anytime at (856)227-7800.

Our resources are designed to get rid of mold growth entirely, "Like it never even happened."

Best Practices to Follow When You Suspect You Have Mold.

7/13/2022 (Permalink)

Mold found on baseboard Mold found growing behind the baseboard in a living room.

Mold may cause health effects as well as significant damage to your property. SERVPRO of Blackwood has the training, protective gear, and specialized equipment necessary to handle your mold issues.

If you have a mold problem in your home or business, keep in mind the following facts:

  • Significant mold growth can occur within 48-72 hours.
  • Mold may present a health risk to children, the elderly, and anyone with respiratory problems.
  • A strong, musty odor may indicate hidden mold behind drywall or under carpeting/flooring.

What to Do:

  • Stay away from affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans. This can help keep the mold contained to just the affected areas.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Blackwood for mold remediation services as soon as possible!

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry or clean the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold. This can cause it to spread more rapidly.

Mold Remediation Services

If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Blackwood has the training, equipment, and expertise to handle the situation.

About SERVPRO of Blackwood

SERVPRO of Blackwood specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after fire or water damage events. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our team is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. We are a local, Veteran owned and operated business.

Have a Mold Problem?

Call us today at (856) 227-7800, we are available 24/7!

Mold removal New Jersey, Mold removal companies near me, New Jersey Mold remediation,

4/12/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth on Baseboard Trim Mold growth on Baseboard Trim

Mold Growth, can be caused by High Humidity Levels, in your Commercial or Residential property, and may require Mold Remediation. 

Eliminate Moisture intrusion, (Stop Water Leaks), keep Humidity Levels down below 40% if possible, (Wall Cavities are not Conditioned Spaces), HEPA vacuum and disinfect your property routinely, with a safe EPA registered disinfectant.  

Mold Growth, can cause Secondary Damages to your Commercial and Residential Property, if not mitigated right away. Mold Growth can draw Termites and Carpenter Ants,and can cause secondary damages, to the Structure and Contents of your property. If you think you may have Mold Growth, Fire Damage, Smoke Damage and Soot damage, then call us for a Free inspection and Free Estimate.

If you think you may have Water Intrusion, Water Damage, or Mold Growth, then call us for a Free inspection and Free Estimate. 

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800

Our Services include Water Mold Biohazard Termite Fire and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services  SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ

Phone: (856) 227-7800 

Emergency Services 24/7/365Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration ServicesCAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359*****U.S. Navy VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED

Mold removal water mold fire, mold removal companies in my area,

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth in Attic and in ceiling Mold growth in Attic and in ceiling

Mold Growth, can be caused by Roof Decking Water damage, and High Humidity Levels, in your Commercial or Residential property, and may require Mold Remediation. Safely inspect your Roof and Attics Regularly, as they may contribute to Mold growth in Attics and Plenum Spaces. Eliminate Moisture intrusion, (Stop Water Leaks), keep Humidity Levels down below 40% if possible, (Wall Cavities are not Conditioned Spaces), HEPA vacuum and disinfect your property routinely, with a safe EPA registered disinfectant.  

If you think you may have Water Intrusion, Water Damage, or Mold Growth, then call us for a Free inspection and Free Estimate. Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800

Our Services include Water Mold Biohazard Termite Fire and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services  SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJPhone: (856) 227-7800 Emergency Services 24/7/365Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration ServicesCAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359*****U.S. Navy VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED

Mold removal companies in my area, mold removal water mold fire, mold removal companies,

3/9/2022 (Permalink)

No Bleach for mold removal No Bleach for mold removal

Visible Mold Growth, in your Commercial or Residential property, can be Remediated Safely, with a Professional Mold Remediation Contractor. Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team can solve that Problem for you, in your Commercial or Residential Property. Mold may be caused by Water Damage, Water Intrusion, and High Humidity levels. If you think you may have a mold issue, then call us for a Free inspection and Free Estimate. Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800?Our Services include Water Mold Biohazard Termite Fire and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services Phone: (856) 227-7800Website: Services 24/7/365Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration ServicesCAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359*****U.S. Navy VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED Google My Business:

Mold removal companies in my area, Mold removal companies, Mold remediation companies near me

2/18/2022 (Permalink)

Mold growth in commercial bathroom Mold growth in commercial bathroom

Water damage, Water intrusion, Humidity, and Moisture condensation, can lead to Mold growth, and require Mold remediation. Mold growth needs moisture, you're most likely to see mold in damp places such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, and crawl spaces. Mold growth can also grow on your walls, floors, appliances, carpet, or furniture – they can all provide the food mold needs to grow. It's impossible to get rid of all mold and mold spores in your property, but because mold spores can't grow without moisture, reducing moisture in your home and commercial property, is the best way to prevent or eliminate mold growth. If there is already mold growing in your Blackwood or Gloucester Township home, then it's important to fix the problem causing the dampness. SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township will remove or remediate the mold. Call us at Phone 856-227-7800. If you clean up the mold but don't fix the problem, then the mold will most likely return. If you suspect a mold problem in your home or business, then call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township for a free estimate for Mold removal and Mold remediation... Call us at Phone 856-227-7800.

Top 5 Reasons NOT to Use Bleach for Mold Removal and Mold Remediation.

2/14/2022 (Permalink)

Collage of photos Don't use Bleach for Mold remediation

Top 5 Reasons NOT to Use Bleach for Mold Removal and Mold Remediation.

Using chlorine bleach to kill mold, and Microbial growth, is probably one of the worst things you can do, to use in your Commercial and Residential property. 1) Bleach is Caustic, with High VOC's and can cause Burns to your Eyes, Nose and Throat and Skin. Your Pets paws, can get burned, and Pets lick their paws.2) Bleach encourages mold growth on porous surfaces because it provides excess moisture.3) Bleach is extremely corrosive, and corrodes Metal Fasteners, such as Screws and Nails, Water Pipes, Waste and Drain Pipes.4) Bleach only removes the color from mold.5) Chlorine bleach is extremely harmful to surfaces.Best practices, include using a non-Chlorine based, non-corrosive, EPA registered Fungicide, to remediate the Microbial growth.Have a Certified Trained company, to inspect the microbial conditions, in your property.Mold spreads its roots deep into porous surfaces.Simply spraying a bleach solution on the surface won’t kill mold spores at their roots. YES WE ARE OPEN!!Phone: 8562277800****Veteran Owned and OperatedHave Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

YES WE ARE OPEN!!Phone: 8562277800****Veteran Owned and Operated Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Mold removal companies near me, Mold remediation near me, Mold remediation in New Jersey,

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

Mold on Drywall, in Wall Cavity Mold on Drywall, in Wall Cavity

Mold growth needs moisture, you're most likely to see mold in damp places such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, and crawl spaces. Mold growth can also grow on your walls, floors, appliances, carpet, or furniture – they can all provide the food mold needs to grow. It's impossible to get rid of all mold and mold spores in your property, but because mold spores can't grow without moisture, reducing moisture in your home and commercial property, is the best way to prevent or eliminate mold growth. If there is already mold growing in your Blackwood or Gloucester Township home, then it's important to fix the problem causing the dampness. SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township will remove or remediate the mold. If you clean up the mold but don't fix the problem, the mold will most likely return. If you suspect a mold problem in your home or business, then call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township for a free estimate. Phone 856-227-7800.

Water & Mold damage restoration, water damage contractors, mold removal companies near me,

1/21/2022 (Permalink)

Condensation from Metal Ductwork and Pipes occurred, and we had to inspect to Access the ceiling cavity, to mitigate the wate Condensation from Metal Ductwork and Pipes occurred, and we had to inspect to Access the ceiling cavity, to mitigate the water damage and mold damage

Condensation from Metal Pipes and Metal Ductwork, may cause Water Damage Restoration, and leak Water into difficult to reach areas, or Unseen areas, in your Commercial and Residential Property.

Uninsulated Pipes and Ductwork, especially in Un-conditioned spaces, can hide water damage intrusion and Possible Mold Growth. In attached picture collage, Condensation from Metal Ductwork and Pipes occurred, and Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team, had to inspect to Access the ceiling cavity, to mitigate the water damage, and perform Mold Remediation. 

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers Free Estimates for Water damage restoration, Sprinkler line Bursts, and Frozen Pipe Bursts  Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800?Our Services include Water Mold Biohazard Termite Fire and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services. 

Jon A. Barrett(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ Marketing

Manager Phone: (856) 227-7800

Website: Services 24/7/365Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359*****U.S. Navy VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED Google My Business:

Mold removal companies in my area, mold removal companies near me, mold remediation company, cost of mold removal,

12/30/2021 (Permalink)

Mold removal companies in my area, mold removal companies near me, mold remediation company, cost of mold removal, on floor, Mold removal companies in my area, mold removal companies near me, mold remediation company, cost of mold removal on floor and wall,

Water Damage, Water Intrusion, and High Humidity levels  will cause Mold Growth.

Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team can solve that Problem for you, in your Commercial or Residential Property 

Mold growth, is often the result of a source of water intrusion, poor construction materials or construction installation, Cladding failures, or from High Humidity from the Atmosphere, Pipe and HVAC Duct Condensation, HVAC Duct and Bathroom Exhausts, Chimneys, and Stacks.

One of the first steps in the prevention of Mold Growth, is to identify any moisture sources, and eliminate sources, which support a damp, humid environment where mold can thrive.

If you think you may have a mold issue, then call us for a Free inspection and Free Estimate.

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 
Our Services include Water Mold  Biohazard Termite Fire  and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google My Business:

Black mold in basement, How to get rid of mold in Basement,

12/29/2021 (Permalink)

Black mold in basement, How to get rid of mold in Basement, Mold in crawl space, Black mold in basement, How to get rid of mold in Basement, Mold in crawl space,

Are you Happy with Your Commercial or Residential Basement and Crawl Space? What is Your New Year Resolution?

Humidity, Condensation, Water Intrusion, Insects, and Rodents, may be present in your Basement or Crawl Space.

Scheduled inspections, and Moisture Monitoring, to your property, can decrease Secondary Damages.

Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team, procured several projects, for Basement, Crawl Space Mold Remediation and Mold Resistant Coatings 

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 ?

Our Services include Water  Mold  Biohazard Termite  Fire  and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ

Marketing Manager

Phone: (856) 227-7800



Emergency Services 24/7/365

Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services

CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359


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Free Mold inspection in NJ, Mold in Attic in NJ, Mold in NJ,

12/14/2021 (Permalink)

Free Mold inspection in NJ, Mold in Attic in NJ, Mold in NJ, Free Mold inspection in NJ, Mold in Attic in NJ, Mold in NJ,

Attic Mold may be caused by Water Damage,  Water Intrusion, and High Humidity levels.

Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team can solve that Problem for you, in your Commercial or Residential Property.

Mold growth in Attics, is often the result of a source of water intrusion, poor construction materials or construction installation, Roof Penetrations, or from Humidity from the Atmosphere, Pipe and HVAC Duct Condensation, HVAC Duct and Bathroom Exhausts, Chimneys, and Stacks.

One of the first steps in the prevention of Attic mold is to ensure that your Attic is free of any moisture and doesn't support a damp, humid environment where mold can thrive.

If you think you may have a mold issue, then call us for a Free inspection and Free Estimate.

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 
Our Services include Water Mold  Biohazard  Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google My Business:

Mold removal in Blackwood NJ, Mold disposal in Blackwood NJ, mold remediation companies near me,

12/9/2021 (Permalink)

Mold removal in Blackwood NJ, Mold disposal in Blackwood NJ, mold remediation companies near me, Mold removal in Blackwood NJ, Mold disposal in Blackwood NJ, mold remediation companies near me,

Metal-framed and gypsum wall systems, have many advantages:

1) They are low-cost, lightweight (which pays a special premium in seismic regions),
2) They have remarkable fire resistance and separating properties for their weight. These advantages have allowed steel stud construction to be the most common method of constructing both interior and exterior wall systems in buildings of noncombustible construction.

Unfortunately, when subject to moisture ingress, Interstitial Condensation, or moisture accumulation, durability has not proved to be a characteristic of these systems.
There have been numerous buildings in North America, that have required major repairs to exterior steel stud-framed walls due to corrosion caused by water ingress.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

How does black mold form, mold experts near me, mold removal companies near me, mold remediation near me

11/18/2021 (Permalink)

How does black mold form, mold experts near me, mold removal companies near me, mold remediation near me How does black mold form, mold experts near me, mold removal companies near me, mold remediation near me

Paper is great for NewsPapers, but not great for Walls and Mold Growth

Wallpaper acts as a vapor barrier, trapping moisture  behind it and in combination with the organic wallpaper paste, provides the perfect conditions for prolific mold growth.

Moisture from outside, moves through the walls  in the form of water vapor,  and evaporates into drier indoor air. This moisture would then be removed from the air and expelled out of the house as a byproduct of the HVAC system heating or cooling the air. But the Wallpaper barrier, may not allow that process to happen.

Besides causing a major business interruption, a mold problem can present a serious risk for people exposed at your commercial or residential property

Mold will cause lost revenue and productivity, due to Shutdowns and Sealed off Areas, of the specific project areas.

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800

Our Services include Water  Mold  Biohazard  Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

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Top 10 Hidden Places, You Might Find Mold Growth in your Commercial and Residential Property

11/17/2021 (Permalink)

Top 10 Hidden Places, You Might Find Mold Growth in your Commercial and Residential Property Top 10 Hidden Places, You Might Find Mold Growth in your Commercial and Residential Property

Top 10 Hidden Places, You Might Find Mold Growth in your Commercial and Residential Property 

1) Window Sills: Window sills are frequently exposed to moisture from condensation. Dust and dirt accumulates in the grooves and tracks of the sills, which can promote spores to grow quickly.

2) Refrigerator Drip Pans: The pans used to collect condensation for refrigerators are rarely seen, and can also promote mold growth.

3) Wallpaper: Acts as a vapor Barrier, and the paper and adhesive are conducive for mold growth. Very problematic in Bathrooms.

4) Window Air Conditioners and HVAC Units: Condensation and Drip Pans collect condensation underneath, and sometimes inside these units.

5) Attics: Roof Leaks and Condensation issues are prevalent in Attics.

6) Front Loading Washing Machines: The gasket around the door is wet all the time when the washer is running and doesn’t get to dry out.

7) Chimneys: Chimney Caps may be Not installed or Damaged, allowing Mold growth on the Interior Bricks and Mortar joints, from Rain, Snow, and Tree Leaves.

8) Carpet and Carpet Padding: Foot traffic with wet and dirty shoes, Pet accidents, and high humidity levels, promote mold growth.

9) Underneath Kitchen and Bathroom sinks: Small leaks and/or high humidity levels can cause Mold growth, since Wood and laminate cabinets are closed up.

10) Shower Curtain, shower and bathtub, and Bathroom Exhaust fan: High Humidity levels, promote Mold growth.
Mold growth can also occur, on your shampoo bottles, washcloths, towels, loofahs, on faucet and shower heads, on tile grout, and your toothbrush.

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 
Our Services include Water Mold  Biohazard Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

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White Mold in Crawl Space, Mold in crawl Space, mold in basement, basement mold near me,

11/16/2021 (Permalink)

White Mold in Crawl Space, Mold in crawl Space, mold in basement, basement mold near me, White Mold in Crawl Space, Mold in crawl Space, mold in basement, basement mold near me,

Winter time requires Wearing a Coat , But Your Commercial or Residential Basement and Crawl Space may require a Coat-ing, to Resist Mold growth all Year Round 

Humidity, Condensation, and Water Intrusion, may be present in your Basement or Crawl Space. Scheduled inspections, and Moisture Monitoring, to your property, can decrease Secondary Damages.

Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team, procured several projects, for Basement, Crawl Space  Mold Remediation and Mold Resistant Coatings 

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 

Our Services include Water Mold  Biohazard Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

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Mold in Crawl Space, Water damage in Crawl Space, Water Damage

10/26/2021 (Permalink)

Mold in Crawl Space, Water damage in Crawl Space, Water Damage Mold in Crawl Space, Water damage in Crawl Space, Water Damage

Do you have Spooky Creatures and Organisms, Growing in your Commercial and Residential Crawl Space?

Crawl Spaces may have Water Damage Intrusion from Foundation Cracks, and Leaks, and High Humidity Levels, due to High Water Tables, and UnConditioned Space, including Open Vents and Condensation.

These issues may lead to Mold Growth,  Wood Destroying Organisms, Insects,  and Pests.

Its best to perform a Quarterly Inspection, in your Crawl Space, before/after a Season Change .

Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team, completes projects, for Crawl Space Water Damage, Sewage Backups, Termite Damage, Mold Remediation and Mold Resistant Coatings.

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 
Our Services include Water Mold Biohazard  Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

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Mold remediation spray, How to get rid of mold in car,

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

Mold remediation spray, How to get rid of mold in car, Mold remediation spray, How to get rid of mold in car,

Does your Vehicle or Business Transportation require Mold Remediation or Biohazard Cleaning?

We can Help Solve that Problem for You!

Several reasons why Mold growth occurs in Transportation Vehicles:

1) Water Intrusion from Windows not rolled up  or Window Seal is deteriorated, or Cracked glass 

2) Vehicle Sunroof or Moonroof seal is deteriorated, or Cracked Glass 

3) Door Seals are deteriorated.

4) Condensation and moisture buildup, inside Cabin Exhaust AC Filter system. This is more Prevalent during warmer months 

5) Vehicle Metal Floor Pan, Floor Board, and Carriage, Condensates or has moisture intrusion from a Hole. 

6) Spilled liquids, onto Porous Surfaces.

7) Porous Materials including Cushions, Floor Carpeting, Padding/Soundproofing with Glue 

Any questions or need free Advice?

Call us 856-227-7800 

Our Commercial and Residential Services include Fire Water  Smoke Mold Biohazard and Termite Demolition, Remediation and Reconstruction 

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800

Google My Business:

What is Mold Remediation? What is Stucco Remediation?

10/18/2021 (Permalink)

What is Mold Remediation?  What is Stucco Remediation? What is Mold Remediation? What is Stucco Remediation?

Do you have Water Damage and Mold growth from Stucco Cracks and Failures, in your Commercial and Residential Property?

We can Help Solve that Problem for You!

Some Best Practices, for Preventing Stucco Remediation issues:

1) Commercial and Residential Properties, need to be inspected and maintained on a regular basis, and have a Wood Destroying Organism, (W.D.O.), inspection report completed. The use of Infrared Cameras, Moisture Meters, and Borescopes, may also be required.
2) Proper Sloping the property Foundation landscape.
3) Proper Installation of Kick out Diverters, Downspouts, gutters, flashing and other means of directing water away from the building.
4) Performing a Stucco Inspection, with Visual, Invasive and Non-Invasive Moisture Meter Readings, and Thermal Imaging.

Any questions?
Call us 856-227-7800 

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 

Our Services include Water Mold  Biohazard Termite  Fire and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800

Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

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Crawl Space Mold, Leaking Pipe in Crawl Space, Mold remediation companies near me, Mold remediation company near me, Mold remediation company

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

Crawl Space Mold, Leaking Pipe in Crawl Space, Mold remediation companies near me, Mold remediation company near me, Mold Crawl Space Mold, Leaking Pipe in Crawl Space, Mold remediation companies near me, Mold remediation company near me, Mold remediation company

Hidden Drain Pipes can Corrode and Leak,  Causing Secondary Damages to your Commercial or Residential Crawl Space.

Here is a Brief Video, of one of our Projects, of a Corroded and leaking Drain Pipe, in a Crawl Space causing Secondary Damages to the Crawl Space:

Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team completes projects, for Crawl Space Water Damage, Sewage Backups, Termite Damage, Mold Remediation and Mold Resistant Coatings.

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 

Our Services include Water  Mold  Biohazard  Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services.

Jon A. Barrett

(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ

Marketing Manager

Phone: (856) 227-7800



Emergency Services 24/7/365

Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services

CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359


Google My Business:

Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ, mold remediation company near me, mold removal near me

9/28/2021 (Permalink)

Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ, mold remediation company near me, mold removal near me Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ, mold remediation company near me, mold removal near me

Have you ever Inspected your Commercial or Residential Crawl Space? 

Crawl Spaces are part of your Building Foundation, and May have Poor Air Quality, High Humidity Levels, Corroded or Leaking Pipes, Water Damage, Mold, Sewage, Termites, ACM, Lead Paint, Radon Gas, Animals, Rodents, and other insects.

Its best to perform a Quarterly Inspection, in your Crawl Space, before/after a Season Change .

Our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team, completes projects, for Crawl Space Water Damage, Sewage Backups, Termite Damage, Mold Remediation and Mold Resistant Coatings.

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 

Our Services include Water Mold  Biohazard  Termite  Fire  and Smoke Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google My Business:

Mold remediation steps, mold remediation New Jersey, mold remediation companies near me

8/30/2021 (Permalink)

Mold remediation steps, mold remediation new jersey, mold remediation companies near me Mold remediation steps, mold remediation new jersey, mold remediation companies near me

The prospect of having mold remediation specialists enter your home and set up decontamination areas is the stuff of science fiction movies for the most part. If you have never experienced extensive mold damage before, it will be an entirely new process. And yes, it can look a little strange at first.

The reality, however, is that containment booths and decontamination areas are a lot less dramatic than they seem. They are very common, and they really are not designed to protect homeowners at all. The primary purpose of mold containment is to protect the property. Mold damage in Gloucester Township homes can spread very quickly if left unchecked.

This guide to the containment procedures used by SERVPRO will tell you a little more about what to expect.

What Does Containment Look Like?

The level of containment will depend entirely on the extent of the problem. Usually, however, we only set up small areas and cause minimal disruption to daily routines. If the mold damage is spreading across a bedroom wall, for example, the SERVPRO team may need to establish a containment perimeter around the room.

While this does mean that you will not be able to enter, there is no danger to worry about. Containment prevents mold spores from being carried out of the space and into other areas of the home. The technicians will wear special PPE suits and footwear, which are treated to neutralize spores every time that they exit the perimeter.

There will be clear polyethylene sheets set up around the affected area. They may be hung over doorways, across carpets, and along ceilings in some cases. If items or materials are removed from the containment space, they will be wrapped in this plastic first. Once again, it can look a little strange, but the SERVPRO team will discuss any concerns that you might have.

What Happens Inside the Containment Area?

The processes carried out inside the containment area are no different to those that are used on any other mold remediation job. The use of polyethylene sheets simply helps to maintain certain drying conditions. The technicians will set up dehumidifiers, negative air movers, and possibly ozone generators to deal with the source of the damp.

It may be necessary to keep some of the machines (such as fans) running constantly over a period of days. You will be informed of this, and the experts will be on site regularly to check progress.

Don’t let mold and mold damage take over your home. Get in touch with the experts at SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township. We are experienced, highly skilled, and provide excellent customers service. Call us 24/7 at 856-227-7800

Jon A. Barrett 

(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ Marketing Manager Phone: (856) 227-7800Email: sp.jonb@gmail.comWebsite: Services 24/7/365Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50    DUNS# 023257359*****U.S. Navy VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED

Mold removal companies in my area, mold removal New Jersey

8/12/2021 (Permalink)

Mold removal companies in my area, mold removal New Jersey Mold removal companies in my area, mold removal New Jersey

Mushrooms may be on your Pizza and Soup , but your Commercial and Residential Property, should NOT have Mushroom Mold growth! 

Poria Mold is a fungi, which can digest the cellulose components of wood. A small amount of decay alters the strength of the wood. 

This fungi is capable of attacking wood and using it for food in your Commercial and Residential Structures.

In attached pictures, our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team, procured a Commercial project, for  Mold Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 

Our Services include Water  Mold Biohazard  Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google My Business:

Mold in Crawl Space, Crawl Space mold remediation near me, Mold remediation near me,

7/29/2021 (Permalink)

Mold in Crawl Space, Crawl Space mold remediation near me, Mold remediation near me, Mold in Crawl Space, Crawl Space mold remediation near me, Mold remediation near me,

You don't need to Wear a Coat on your Summer Vacation, but your Crawl Space may require a Coat-ing, to Resist Mold growth! 

Being International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training, (IACET), certified trained, our SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Team, procured several Government projects, for Crawl Space  Mold Remediation and Mold Resistant Coatings 

Any Questions, or Require Emergency Services, Call us at 856-227-7800 
Our Services include Water  Mold  Biohazard  Termite  Fire  and Smoke  Damage Remediation and Reconstruction Services

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google My Business:

Mold remediation near me, Mold removal near me, Vehicle Mold

7/16/2021 (Permalink)

Mold remediation near me, Mold removal near me, Vehicle Mold Mold remediation near me, Mold removal near me, Vehicle Mold

Does your Vehicle or Business Transportation require Mold Remediation?

We can Help Solve that Problem for You!

Several reasons why Mold growth occurs in Transportation Vehicles:

1) Water Intrusion from Windows not rolled up or Window Seal is deteriorated, or Cracked glass 

2) Vehicle Sunroof or Moonroof seal is deteriorated, or Cracked Glass 

3) Door Seals are deteriorated.

4) Condensation and moisture buildup, inside Cabin Exhaust AC Filter system. This is more Prevalent during warmer months 

5) Vehicle Metal Floor Pan, Floor Board, and Carriage, Condensates or has moisture intrusion from a Hole. 

6) Spilled liquids, onto Porous Surfaces.

Any questions or need free Advice?

Call us 856-227-7800 

Our Commercial and Residential Services include Fire  Water  Smoke Mold  Biohazard  and Termite Demolition, Remediation and Reconstruction 

Jon A. Barrett
(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ
Marketing Manager
Phone: (856) 227-7800

Google My Business:

Mold remediation New Jersey, mold remediation companies near me

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Mold remediation New Jersey, mold remediation companies near me Mold remediation New Jersey, mold remediation companies near me

Visible Mold in your Residential or Commercial Attic? Yes, we can Remediate that!
No need to use Google, just call 856-227-7800

A common question I am asked, does mold grow during the cold Winters of the Northeast? The answer is YES, with the 2 most important factors:
1) Moisture/Water Leak/High Humidity/Condensation, and
2) Organic Material Food Sources, such as dust and particulates, Roofing Particle O.S.B. Board/Plywood Sheathing, Wood Framing, and Paper Faced Batt Insulation, and now you might have possible Secondary Damage to your property.

The Attached pictures, were taken during Winter 2021, with Condition 3 (actual growth): an indoor environment contaminated with the presence of actual mold growth and associated spores. Actual growth includes growth that is active or dormant, visible or hidden.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a U.S. Navy Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google My Business:

Mold inspection near me, Mold remediation company near me, Mold removal companies near me, mold removal company

3/15/2021 (Permalink)

Mold inspection near me, Mold remediation company near me, Mold removal companies near me, mold removal company Mold inspection near me, Mold remediation company near me, Mold removal companies near me, mold removal company

Using chlorine bleach to kill mold, and Microbial growth, is probably one of the worst things you can do, to use in your Commercial and Residential property.

Best practices, include using a non-Chlorine based, non-corrosive, EPA registered Fungicide, to remediate the Microbial growth.

There are 3 Conditions, regarding Mold Remediation criteria and protocols:

1) Condition 1 (normal fungal ecology): an indoor environment that may have settled spores, fragments, or traces of actual growth.
2) Condition 2 (settled spores): an indoor environment which is primarily contaminated with settled spores that were dispersed directly or indirectly from a Condition 3 area, and which may have traces of actual growth.
3) Condition 3 (actual growth): an indoor environment contaminated with the presence of actual mold growth and associated spores. Actual growth includes growth that is active or dormant, visible or hidden.

Have a Certified Trained company, to inspect the microbial conditions, in your property. 

Mold spreads its roots deep into porous surfaces.

Simply spraying a bleach solution on the surface won’t kill mold spores at their roots.

Here are some reasons Why you should NOT to Use Bleach to Kill Mold:
1) Bleach is Caustic, with High VOC's and can cause Burns to your Eyes, Nose and Throat and Skin. Your Pets paws, can get burned, and Pets lick their paws.
2) Bleach encourages toxic mold growth on porous surfaces because it provides excess moisture.
3) Bleach is extremely corrosive, and corrodes Metal Fasteners, such as Screws and Nails, Water Pipes, Waste and Drain Pipes.
4) Bleach only removes the color from mold.
5) Chlorine bleach is extremely harmful to surfaces.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google My Business:

Certified Mold Training in NJ, Certified Mold Remediator, Mold removal near me, Mold remediation near me, Mold company near me

2/15/2021 (Permalink)

Certified Mold Training in NJ, Certified Mold Remediator, Mold removal near me, Mold remediation near me, certificate image Certified Mold Training in NJ, Certified Mold Remediator, Mold removal near me, Mold remediation near me, Mold company near me

Certified Mold Training and education provides the entire community with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to help people before, during and after disasters.  Some of the benefits of Certified Training include:

  • Strengthening customer confidence in job performance
  • Standardizing competency and performance quality
  • Strengthening the assurance that when a complaint arises, a structure is in place to resolve complaints and conflicts
  • Certification ensures that companies have technicians with the proper training and safety knowledge and that they meet requirements designed to protect the customer and the business, such as carrying the appropriate insurance.
  • Property owners needing damage restoration services, can call us for FREE estimates and inspections.
  • Have Questions?
  • Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ,

Jon A. Barrett 

(C.M.R.) Certified Mold Remediator

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJMarketing Manager

Phone: (856) 227-7800



Emergency Services 24/7/365

Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services

Commercial Mold Remediation in NJ, Certified Mold Training, Mold,

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial Mold Remediation in NJ, Certified Mold Training, Mold, Commercial Mold Remediation in NJ, Certified Mold Training, Mold,

Yes, Specific Molds, and Mold Spores, may grow in Commercial and Residential Properties.  High Humidity, Moisture Intrusion, Condensation, Pipe Leaks, Sumps Pump Backups, Water line bursts can all occur and lead to Mold.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation.

O.S.H.A. Certified Mold Training and education, provides the whole community with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to help people before, during and after disasters. Some of the benefits of Certified Training include:

  • Strengthening customer confidence in job performance
  • Standardizing competency and performance quality
  • Strengthening the assurance that when a complaint arises, a structure is in place to resolve complaints and conflicts
  • Certification ensures that companies have technicians with the proper training and safety knowledge and that they meet requirements designed to protect the customer and the business, such as carrying the appropriate insurance. Property owners needing damage restoration services, can call us for FREE estimates and inspections.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800

Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Commercial Property and Residential Property Sales Tips, Mold remediation companies near me, Water damage restoration companies near me

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

For sale sign with person taking keys Commercial Property and Residential Property Sales Tips, Mold remediation companies near me, Water damage restoration companies near me

Yes, a Clean and Updated Commercial and Residential Property, will Sell Faster and for a Higher Sales Price!

Here are some Sellers tips, for your Commercial and Residential Property:

1) Proceed with Cleaning and Organizing, One Area or Room at a time. Clutter and mess won’t sell your Property.

2) If Mold is present or can be sceen or sensed, then call a Professional company, to Inspect and provide an estimate for the Mold remediation. Make sure your Property is at the correct Humidity Level.

3) Door hinges, vent covers, cabinet knobs and light fixtures are good places to spend because they’re small fixes that make a big difference in appearance. Think about other small, easy upgrades you can make.

4) Make sure your Hot water Heater, HVAC system and Duct system, and other Appliances, are operating efficiently and clean. Replace them if necessary.

5) Newly Painting the Interior, is the best investment for a higher Sales Price.

6) Have a Pre-Home Inspection, with a W.D.O. Inspection, Lead Paint Inspection, Asbestos and Radon Inspection, in order to identify Potential major issues, prior to a Buyer offer. 

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Water damage restoration, Hot water heater Leaks, Washer Hose bursts, Water line bursts, HVAC Air Duct cleaning, Dryer Exhaust cleaning, Fire and Smoke damage, Heater Soot cleaning in NJ, Soot damage cleaning in NJ, Heater puffback in NJ, Mold inspections, HVAC air Duct cleaning, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ,

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Duct cleaning near me, HVAC Duct Cleaning, Air Duct cleaning

12/28/2020 (Permalink)

Duct cleaning near me, HVAC Duct Cleaning, Air Duct cleaning Duct cleaning near me, HVAC Duct Cleaning, Air Duct cleaning

Yes, your HVAC Furnace/Conveyance systems, and Ductwork, Can get Dirty!

Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. Inspect the duct work interior, of your Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Property. Clean ducts mean a healthier environment and improved indoor air quality.

If your HVAC has been operating for some time, without maintenance or an inspection, it could be circulating one or more of the following:

• Dust
• Pollen
• Odors
• Dirt and debris
• Other Particulates and contaminants, and possibly Fiberglass Fibers from DuctBoard, or Interior Fiberglass Lining.

Inspect your heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit (HVAC), ductwork and registers. Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment. This can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

The benefits of servicing your HVAC unit include:

• Helps to restore peak energy efficiency.
• May help to eliminate offensive odors.
• Helps reduce the potential for mold growth.

Give us a Call for any HVAC and Air Duct cleaning questions.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for HVAC Air Duct cleaning, Dryer Exhaust cleaning, Fire and Smoke damage, Heater Soot cleaning in NJ, Soot damage cleaning in NJ, Heater puffback in NJ, Mold inspections, HVAC air Duct cleaning, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

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Mold on Insulation, Mold inspection near me, Mold remediation

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

Mold on Insulation, Mold inspection near me, Mold remediation - image of mold in crawlspace Mold on Insulation, Mold inspection near me, Mold remediation

Fiberglass Batt Insulation, is a synthetic fiber made from tiny particles of glass. It can harm the eyes, skin, and the lungs. Fiberglass Insulation, can also grow Mold.

Workers may be harmed from exposure to fibrous glass. The level of exposure depends upon the dose, duration, and work being done.
Fibrous glass can be used in insulation, roofing shingles, ceiling tiles, textile and fiberglass manufacturing, and weather proofing.

Mold growth can occur on insulation Kraft facing: if building insulation has been wet from leaks or flooding or if it has been installed in a high-humidity area/Wall Cavity, fungal growth can occur, on the Kraft facing in both its paper form and it's foil-faced paper form. Mold can also form on the Adjacent Wall Cavity and Framing.

Mold growth can also occur, on the surface of fiberglass duct lining. This is a common occurrence when the duct insulation is coated with dust, and a penetration/air leak has occurred.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and offers FREE estimates for Mold Inspections, Mold remediation, Insulation Removal and Insulation Replacement.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Cleaning Mold with Bleach is Hazardous, Don't use bleach

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

Cleaning Mold with Bleach is Hazardous, Don't use bleach, Mold - image of mold in property Cleaning Mold with Bleach is Hazardous, Don't use bleach, Mold

Using chlorine bleach to kill mold is probably one of the worst things you can do.

As a matter of fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), stopped recommending the use of bleach for dealing with mold issues. And, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated their guide as well, removing the suggestion to use bleach to kill mold.

The problem is, it’s true that bleach can kill some mold in some places, some of the time. But, bleach only works to remove mold on hard, impermeable surfaces like bathtub and shower surrounds or tiles. However, on porous surfaces like drywall or hardwood floors, it won’t work to kill mold or keep it from coming back.

Mold spreads its roots deep into porous surfaces.
Simply spraying a bleach solution on the surface won’t kill mold spores at their roots.

Here are some reasons why you should NOT to Use Bleach to Kill Mold:
1) Bleach is Caustic, with High VOCs and can cause Burns to your Eyes, Nose and Throat and Skin. Your Pets paws, can get burned, and Pets lick their paws.
2) Bleach encourages toxic mold growth on porous surfaces because it provides excess moisture.
3) Bleach is extremely corrosive, and corrodes Metal Fasteners, such as Screws and Nails, Water Pipes, Waste and Drain Pipes.
4) Bleach only removes the color from mold.
5) Chlorine bleach is extremely harmful to surfaces.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Wallpaper Mold, Wallpaper paste and mold, Mold inspection near me

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

Wallpaper Mold, Wallpaper paste and mold, Mold inspection near me - image of mold on wall Wallpaper Mold, Wallpaper paste and mold, Mold inspection near me - image of mold on wall

Wallpaper acts as a vapor barrier, trapping moisture behind it and in combination with the organic wallpaper paste, provides the perfect conditions for prolific mold growth.

Moisture from outside moves through the walls in the form of water vapor, and evaporates into drier indoor air. This moisture would then be removed from the air and expelled out of the house as a byproduct of the HVAC system heating or cooling the air.

Most older homes and Commercial properties, were constructed without an adequate vapor barrier in the walls. Homes without vapor barriers absorb more moisture from the outside air than newer, more energy efficient homes.

Besides causing a major business interruption, a mold problem can present a serious health risk for people exposed at your commercial property.

Every hour spent on Mold Remediation, is an hour of lost revenue and productivity.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Stucco remediation near me, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold removal

10/19/2020 (Permalink)

Mold on building Stucco remediation near me, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold removal

Stucco remediation is extremely expensive because the Commercial or Residential property, has to be torn down to its sheathing and windows replaced.

This is beyond the asbestos plague, the radon plague and the lead paint problem. This is a life changer and the scope of this is enormous.

The reason it is failing is because some builders took shortcuts and didn't install flashing properly, installed inferior windows and didn't apply enough layers of stucco.

Many (builders) won't put stucco on new houses anymore, not even on foundations. But stucco is a good product, and you can use it anywhere as long as you use good practices like having a good vapor barrier, and proper caulk around all windows and doors.

A failed moisture inspection can put a significant amount of work and money into a home, and replace the stucco with stone because it was one-third of the cost.

Some common reasons for moisture problems are:

  1. Exterior Openings (e.g. windows) with inadequate flashing installed (i.e. pan flashing)
  2. Missing Kick Out or Diverter flashing
  3. Poor roofing/wall/chimney design (dead valleys)
  4. Improper deck ledger or patio attachments
  5. Inadequate drainage away from foundation and/or walls
  6. Exterior walls with inadequate weather resistive barriers
  7. Overall Building Science- Interior Vapor Trying to get out
  8. Low Perm Vapor Barriers- Lowering the wall's ability to dry

Because moisture problems are oftentimes hard to see at face value, please consider a third party moisture testing through certified firms to identify areas where moisture intrusion is occurring and how severe the damage may be. If ignored, it can seriously damage a home’s wood structure through rot and mold within the wall cavity.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ,

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Mold inspection near me, water damage restoration

10/15/2020 (Permalink)

mold inspection near me, mold remediation companies near me, water damage restoration - house under construction mold inspection near me, mold remediation companies near me, water damage restoration

Metal-framed and gypsum wall systems, have many advantages:

1) They are low-cost, lightweight (which pays a special premium in seismic regions),
2) They have remarkable fire resistance and separating properties for their weight. These advantages have allowed steel stud construction to be the most common method of constructing both interior and exterior wall systems in buildings of noncombustible construction.

Unfortunately, when subject to moisture ingress, Interstitial Condensation, or moisture accumulation, durability has not proved to be a characteristic of these systems.
There have been numerous buildings in North America, that have required major repairs to exterior steel stud-framed walls due to corrosion caused by water ingress.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection, Insulation installers near me

10/13/2020 (Permalink)

Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection, Insulation installers near me, Mold Certificate of Completion Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection, Insulation installers near me

One Strategy, for Better Indoor Air Quality, (I.A.Q.) starts with Replacing fibrous glass liners and Insulation, with materials that are less likely to encourage fungal growth (i.e. closed-cell foam insulation), and Corrosion, in areas where humidity is high.

An increasing number of Government and Industrial properties, Hospitals, Universities and other facilities seeking better IAQ, are replacing existing insulation with elastomeric foam, not only for its mold-resistant properties, but its fiber-free, dust-free, and non-particulating construction.

Properly installed and maintained, elastomeric foam insulation, is an extremely effective deterrent to biological contamination. It’s closed-cell structure prevents moisture from wicking into the insulation.

And even if closed-cell foam duct liner gets wet, its smooth surface makes it extremely easy to clean.

The same cannot be said of fiber-based duct liners, which are notoriously difficult to clean, and deteriorate more quickly under adverse conditions.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ, offers free estimates and inspections for Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Insulation Removal, Mold remediation, and Re-Insulation services.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is a Veteran Owned and Operated Small Business, or Veteran Owned Business, (V.O.S.B.), and understands that fires, Mold, floods, Covid 19, or other disasters can strike suddenly and they can cause disruption to your life and home or business.

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township NJ, is Completely registered with:
1) The System for Award Management (SAM) for the U.S. Government.
2) The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, with the Federal Government.
***CAGE Code 8QK50 and DUNS 023257359
***Government Contractor

We look forward to partnering with Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants, and other business opportunities, to bid on Federal, State, County, City, Industrial, Manufacturing, Commercial, and Residential Projects, throughout the entire United States of America.


As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Corrosion Under Insulation, Condensation, Mold removal near me

10/12/2020 (Permalink)

Corrosion Under Insulation, Condensation, Mold removal near me - image of moisture on pipes Corrosion Under Insulation, Condensation, Mold removal near me, Mold remediation companies near me

Corrosion Under Insulation, (CUI), is the corrosion of piping, Vessels, and HVAC Ductwork and HVAC Air Handling Units, that occurs beneath insulation as a result of Moisture and water penetration.

CUI is typically difficult to identify because it lies hidden under insulation material, often until it becomes a serious
problem. It is also expensive to inspect for or repair since that usually requires inspection by radiography, ultrasonic or
other forms of inspection but in most cases requires the removal of the insulation system.

Facility managers, engineers, and maintenance and construction personnel now know that corrosion under insulation (CUI) exists and, left to its own devices, can cause serious problems such as Mold growth, and even catastrophic consequences.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates and inspections for Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Insulation Removal, Mold remediation, and Re-Insulation services.


As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Fiberglass Gypsum and Mold resistance

10/8/2020 (Permalink)

Fiberglass Gypsum and Mold resistance, mold remediation. mold removal control, certificate of completion. Fiberglass Gypsum and Mold resistance, mold remediation. mold removal control.

In lieu of traditional Paper faced Gypsum, the fiberglass faced gypsum panel, has a treated core, which is sandwiched between a fiberglass mat, and the backside of the panel.

Gypsum mechanically bonds to fiberglass mat facings.

The fiberglass mat is treated with an acrylic coating for moisture resistance, creating a hydrophobic, non absorptive surface.

The acrylic coating on the surface of the mat, fills the Voids and openings in the mat, and further protects the gypsum, core and mat from the elements.

This technology addresses potential moisture concerns, by virtually eliminating the moisture source from, wicking or capillary action, therefore reducing the risk of potential Microbial Mold Growth.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates Water Damage, and Mold remediation.

Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Termite damage signs, signs of termites, Spray foam insulation

10/7/2020 (Permalink)

Termite damage signs, signs of termites, termite damage near me, spray foam insulation in wall/ceiling Termite damage signs, signs of termites, termite damage near me, spray foam insulation

With Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation, PMPs (Pest Management Professionals) are finding the spray foam can hide termite activity.

PMPs report that the Spray foam also hides leaks, and traps moisture that homeowners might not see.

A growing number of PMPs across the Southeast feel the same way. They are cancelling the termite damage warranties of customers who’ve had the foam installed.

They are walking away from new customers who already have it in their homes and from newly constructed homes that have it built in. And some are refusing to write termite/WDO inspection letters required for real estate closings if houses have SPF.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Spray Foam remediation, Termite Damage and remediation, Crawlspace and Attic Mold Remediation.

Jon A. Barrett
Marketing Manager
SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp
Phone: (856) 227-7800
Emergency Services 24/7/365
Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services
CAGE Code: 8QK50 DUNS# 023257359

Google MyBusiness:

Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ, technician checking for mold Boroscope Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ

Mold inspection near me, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ

Sometime mold growth is Visibly hard to see behind Wall Cavities, Building Chases, Insulation, Ceiling Tiles, Ceiling Vents, around Piping, in or around HVAC ductwork, Heating and Cooling Registers, Bathroom Exhaust Fans, Kitchen Exhaust Hoods, and Electrical Outlets.  Vehicle air cabins, Vehicle Air conditioner ports/Vents, and under Vehicle seats and Vehicle carpet and padding, are also areas to inspect. 

Interstitial Condensation and Moisture, is one reason for these hard to see areas, inside Wall Cavities, and Building Chases.

Borescopes are used for visual inspection work where the target area is inaccessible by other means, or where accessibility may require destructive, time consuming and/or expensive dismounting activities. 

Borescopes are mostly used in Nondestructive Inspection techniques, for recognizing mold growth or particulate buildup.

Our SERVPRO Restoration of Blackwood NJ company, utilizes this important inspection tool, during some of our Water Damage inspections and Mold inspections.


As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800



What is Thermal Bridging?

9/29/2020 (Permalink)

What is Thermal Bridging? Image of Thermal Bridge. What is Thermal Bridging?

What is Thermal Bridging? Household mold remover, mold inspection.

Thermal Bridging is Not driving over a Hot Bridge, to cross the Delaware River, and to go to the Jersey Shore, on a Hot Summer day.

Instead, A thermal bridge, also called a cold bridgeheat bridge, or thermal bypass, is an area or component of an object which has higher thermal conductivity, than the surrounding materials, creating a path of least resistance for heat transfer. 

Thermal bridges result in an overall reduction in thermal resistance of the object. The term is frequently discussed in the context of a building's thermal envelope, where thermal bridges result in heat transfer into or out of conditioned space.

Thermal bridges in buildings may impact the amount of energy required to heat and cool a space, cause condensation (moisture) within the building envelope, and result in thermal discomfort. In colder climates, thermal heat bridges can result in additional heat losses and require additional energy to mitigate.

There are strategies to reduce or prevent thermal bridging, such as limiting the number of building members that span from unconditioned to conditioned space and applying continuous insulation materials to create thermal breaks.

Thermal bridges can occur at several locations within a building envelope; most commonly, they occur at junctions between two or more building elements. Common locations include:

  • Floor-to-wall or balcony-to-wall junctions, including slab-on-grade and concrete balconies or outdoor patios that extend the floor slab through the building envelope
  • Roof/Ceiling-to-wall junctions, especially where full ceiling insulation depths may not be achieved
  • Window-to-wall junctions
  • Door-to-wall junctions
  • Wall-to-wall junctions
  • Wood, steel or concrete members, such as studs and joists, incorporated in exterior wall, ceiling, or roof construction
  • Recessed luminaries that penetrate insulated ceilings
  • Windows and doors, especially frames components
  • Areas with gaps in or poorly installed insulation
  • Metal ties in masonry cavity walls

Structural elements remain a weak point in construction, commonly leading to thermal bridges that result in high heat loss and low surface temperatures in a room.

Thermal Bridging areas, may have or lead to Interstitial Condensation and Mold growth. 


As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold remediation companies near me

9/25/2020 (Permalink)

Tech in PPE. Mold remediation companies near me--technician in PPE.

Mold remediation companies near me.

Mold can be found in unconditioned Wall Cavities, HVAC air duct system, or on ceiling tile backings.

A dry building is more sustainable than a damp building because dry buildings last longer. In a damp building, nails, screws, bolts and steel framing can corrode quickly, which puts the building at risk of early structural failure.

There are 4 critical requirements for mold growth, available mold spores, available mold food, appropriate temperatures and considerable moisture. The removal of any one of these items will prohibit mold growth.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold inspection in NJ, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ

9/24/2020 (Permalink)

Mold inspection in NJ, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ Mold inspection in NJ, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ

Mold inspection in NJ, Free mold inspection in NJ, Mold in NJ

Using chlorine bleach to kill mold is probably one of the worst things you can do.

As a matter of fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), stopped recommending the use of bleach for dealing with mold issues.  And, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated their guide as well, removing the suggestion to use bleach to kill mold.

The problem is, it’s true that bleach can kill some mold in some places, some of the time. But, bleach only works to remove mold on hard, impermeable surfaces like bathtub and shower surrounds or tiles. However, on porous surfaces like drywall or hardwood floors, it won’t work to kill mold or keep it from coming back.

Mold spreads its roots deep into porous surfaces.
Simply spraying a bleach solution on the surface won’t kill mold spores at their roots.

Here are some reasons Why you should NOT to Use Bleach to Kill Mold

• Bleach encourages toxic mold growth on porous surfaces because it provides excess moisture.
• Bleach only removes the color from mold.
• Chlorine bleach is extremely harmful to surfaces.
• Bleach is extremely corrosive.

You don’t want to use bleach to kill mold because there are many antimicrobial alternatives readily available. The Professionals at SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Twp. have the knowledge and equipment to safely remove mold from your home or business. We care about the proper restoration of your structure.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold removal in New Construction, New Construction Mold in NJ

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

Mold removal in New Construction, New Construction Mold in NJ Mold removal in New Construction, New Construction Mold in NJ

Mold removal in New Construction, New Construction Mold in NJ

Yes, New Construction Properties, both Commercial and Residential, can have mold or can grow mold.  Mold can be found in unconidtioned Wall Cavities, HVAC air duct system, or on ceiling tile backings.

To most people, moldy odors suggest HVAC problems. But while the air system may indeed spread fungal odors, the HVAC system in new buildings is seldom re-sponsible for generating them. In new construction, mold infestations usually are caused by moisture in building materials. 

That moisture can come from rain or snow before the building is closed in, or from leak-ing water pipes, wet concrete or condensation on surfaces like cold floor slabs during springtime.

Conventional HVAC systems are not designed to dry out construction-related moisture. The moisture load from wet materials is simply too large and the drying task too complex for systems that are intended for comfort air conditioning.

The better plan is to dry materials quickly with aggressive drying if they get wet through nature or human error.

A dry building is more sustainable than a damp building because dry buildings last longer. In a damp building, nails, screws, bolts and steel framing can corrode quickly, which puts the building at risk of early structural failure.

A dry building also has better IAQ than a damp building. Damp building materials degrade, generating and releasing a wide range of indoor air pollutants. According to the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., the health risk of a damp building is real and measurable. Biologists and health professionals believe mold and bacteria growing in damp buildings are responsible for many negative health effects.

Occupants are more comfortable at a higher temperature in a dry building than in a damp building, so a dry building’s cooling systems require less energy.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold removal control in NJ, Household Mold remediation in NJ, Stucco mold in NJ, Stucco mold remediation in NJ

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

Mold removal control in NJ, Household Mold remediation in NJ, Commercial mold removal in NJ,  Sutcco remediation in NJ Mold removal control in NJ, Household Mold remediation in NJ, Commercial mold removal in NJ, Sutcco remediation in NJ, Stucco mold remediation in NJ

Mold removal control in NJ, Household Mold remediation in NJ, Commercial mold removal in NJ,  Sutcco remediation in NJ, Stucco mold remediation in NJ

Stucco remediation is extremely expensive because the house has to be torn down to its sheathing and windows replaced.
This is beyond the asbestos plague, the radon plague and the lead paint problem. This is a life changer and scope of this is enormous.

The reason it is failing is because some builders took shortcuts and didn't' install flashing properly, installed inferior windows and didn't apply enough layers of stucco.

Many (builders) won't put stucco on new houses anymore, not even on foundations. But stucco is a good product, and you can use it anywhere as long as you use good practices like having a good vapor barrier, and proper caulk around all windows and doors.

A failed a moisture inspection, can put a significant amount of work and money into a home, and replaced the stucco with stone because it was one-third of the cost.

A house buyer today would be wise to order a moisture report if considering a stucco home. It's not required, but sometimes the cost for the inspection falls on the potential buyer.

A proper remediation, involves tearing off the stucco, taking out windows and replacing them with new windows, replacing damaged sheathing and framing, applying a drainable house wrap, reinstalling new windows with proper flashing, applying extra layers of house wrap, applying rainscreen and applying new stucco.

Homeowners who hire contractors who patch affected areas and do not replace windows will find it will fail again in short order.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Commercial and Residential mold remediation, mold removal in NJ, Water damage restoration in NJ, Water damage remediation in NJ, Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold Remediation in Vehicles, Mold remediation in Cars in NJ, Mold remediation in Trucks in NJ, Mold removal in Vehicles in NJ, Mold cleaning in NJ

9/16/2020 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation in Vehicles, Mold remediation in Cars in NJ, Mold remediation in Trucks in NJ, Mold removal in Vehicles - NJ Mold Remediation in Vehicles, Mold remediation in Cars in NJ, Mold remediation in Trucks in NJ, Mold removal in Vehicles in NJ, Mold cleaning in NJ

Mold Remediation in Vehicles, Mold remediation in Cars in NJ, Mold remediation in Trucks in NJ, Mold removal in Vehicles in NJ, Mold cleaning in NJ

Mold remediation in Vehicles, YES WE DO THAT! The main cause of mold is damp conditions mixed with a warm environment, which can easily occur in your car if you leave your window cracked or your sunroof open on a rainy day, or even spill some liquid on the floor. It only takes a small amount of moisture for mold to grow and it can only take a few days to colonize, but once you have mold in your car, it can be a real pain to get rid of and has the potential to ruin your car’s interior. 

There’s also times when the mold infestation is so bad the car interior might be a total write-off, if it’s completely covered in mold and has grown right into the seating foam, for example. But depending on how bad the situation is, there might be some things you can do to fight the mold yourself. 

Get yourself a N95 mask, because even after letting the car air out, there still might be dangerous mold spores hanging around and you do not want to breathe any into your system. Also make sure you change your clothes and wash your clothes, before spreading more spores in your property.


****Car and Truck Dealerships WELCOMED!

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Vehicle Mold remediation, Mold remediation in NJ, Smoke Odor and Pet odor Cleaning, Termite Damage in NJ, Water damage in NJ, Mold inspections, HVAC Air Duct cleaning, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Does my home insurance cover damage from water and mold? Commercial Mold remediation in NJ, Property Mold insurance in NJ

9/16/2020 (Permalink)

Does my home insurance cover damage from water and mold? Commercial Mold remediation in NJ, Property Mold insurance in NJ Does my home insurance cover damage from water and mold? Commercial Mold remediation in NJ, Property Mold insurance in NJ

Does my home insurance cover damage from water and mold? Commercial Mold remediation in NJ, Property Mold insurance in NJ

A standard home insurance policy or Commercial Property Insurance Policy, usually excludes mold coverage or severely limits coverage for it. That being said, your home insurance or Commercial Property Insurance Policy, may cover the cost to clean up mold when it’s due to a covered peril and was unknown to you while it grew. Or, if you purchased Mold Insurance, along with your homeowners policy.

To determine if your particular damage covered, review your Property Insurance policy and speak to your Insurance agent.

There are 4 critical requirements for mold growth, available mold spores, available mold food, appropriate temperatures and considerable moisture. The removal of any one of these items will prohibit mold growth.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Commercial Mold removal in NJ, Residential Mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Removal Control in NJ

9/15/2020 (Permalink)

Commercial Mold removal in NJ, Residential Mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Removal Control in NJ Commercial Mold removal in NJ, Residential Mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Removal Control in NJ

Commercial Mold removal in NJ, Residential Mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Removal Control in NJ

Mold Remediation can be avoided, with a Dry and Clean environment.

Eliminate Moisture intrusion, (Stop Water Leaks), keep Humidity Levels down below 40% if possible, (Wall Cavities are not Conditioned Spaces), HEPA vacuum and disinfect your property routinely, with a safe EPA registered disinfectant.

Most importantly, Keep your HVAC and air duct system, and HVAC Filter, clean, and operating efficiently, (to remove Humidity and Capture Air particulates and dust).

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Water & Mold damage Restoration in NJ, Certified Mold Training in NJ, O.S.H.A. certified Mold training in NJ

9/15/2020 (Permalink)

Water & Mold damage Restoration in NJ, Certified Mold Training in NJ, O.S.H.A. certified Mold training in NJ Water & Mold damage Restoration in NJ, Certified Mold Training in NJ, O.S.H.A. certified Mold training in NJ

Water & Mold damage Restoration in NJ, Certified Mold Training in NJ, O.S.H.A. certified Mold training in NJ

O.S.H.A. Certified Mold Training and education, provides the whole community with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to help people before, during and after disasters.  Some of the benefits of Certified Training include:

  • Strengthening customer confidence in job performance
  • Standardizing competency and performance quality
  • Strengthening the assurance that when a complaint arises, a structure is in place to resolve complaints and conflicts
  • Certification ensures that companies have technicians with the proper training and safety knowledge and that they meet requirements designed to protect the customer and the business, such as carrying the appropriate insurance. Property owners needing damage restoration services, can call us for FREE estimates and inspections.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

HVAC system Mold in NJ, HVAC mold NJ, Mold removal control in NJ

9/15/2020 (Permalink)

HVAC system Mold in NJ, HVAC mold NJ, Mold removal control in NJ HVAC system Mold in NJ, HVAC mold NJ, Mold removal control in NJ

HVAC system Mold in NJ, HVAC mold NJ, Mold removal control in NJ

Mold remediation involving a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, and Ductless MiniSplit sytstem,  should be done only by Certified professionals experienced in Mold Remediation. Professionals may have several different methods and techniques for approaching HVAC remediation. As with the rest of a mold remediation project, professional judgment is required when working with HVAC systems.

An HVAC system found to be contaminated with mold should be turned off and not used until the system has been remediated; using a mold-contaminated HVAC system may spread mold throughout the building and increase the exposure of building occupants. 

If possible, the HVAC system should be remediated during off hours when the building is not in use.

Effective containment of the area served by the ventilation system is important to avoid the spread of mold and mold-contaminated materials. All intakes and supply vents should be sealed with plastic and tape, and negative air pressure should be maintained in work areas.

To prevent Mold Spores and Particulates and Dust from entering the system:

1) Use the highest efficiency air filter recommended by the manufacturer of your heating and cooling system.

2) Change filters regularly. (Clean Washable Filters once a Month or more).

3) If your filters become clogged, change them more frequently.

4) Be sure you do not have any missing filters and that air cannot bypass filters through gaps around the filter holder.

5) When having your heating and cooling system maintained or checked for other reasons, be sure to ask the service provider to clean cooling coils and drain pans.

6) During construction or renovation work that produces dust in your home, seal off supply and return registers and do not operate the heating and cooling system until after cleaning up the dust.

7) Remove dust and vacuum your home regularly. (Use a high efficiency vacuum (HEPA) cleaner or the highest efficiency filter bags your vacuum cleaner can take. Vacuuming can increase the amount of dust in the air during and after vacuuming as well as in your ducts).

8) If your heating system includes in-duct humidification equipment, be sure to operate and maintain the humidifier strictly as recommended by the manufacturer.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, HVAC air Duct cleaning, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Control Mold removal in NJ, Black mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Wallpaper Mold in NJ

9/11/2020 (Permalink)

Control Mold removal in NJ, Black mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Wallpaper Mold in NJ Control Mold removal in NJ, Black mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Wallpaper Mold in NJ

Control Mold removal in NJ, Black mold removal in NJ, Mold in NJ, Wallpaper Mold in NJ

Wallpaper acts as a vapor barrier, trapping moisture behind it and in combination with the organic wallpaper paste, provides the perfect conditions for prolific toxic mold growth.

Besides causing a major business interruption, a mold problem can present a serious health risk for people exposed at your commercial property. Mold infestations can be caused by minor water intrusions, like a slow roof leak or loose plumbing fitting. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If you suspect your property has a mold problem, call SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township, who will respond quickly and work fast to manage the situation.

  • 24 Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Mold and Water Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
  • Highly Trained Mold and Water Damage Restoration Specialists

Have a Mold Problem? Call Us Today – 856-227-7800

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township can respond quickly, working to first contain the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to contain the mold infestation and remediate it to pre loss condition. Learn more about SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township training and certifications.

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold in NJ, Mold and Property Value in NJ, Mold home inspection

9/11/2020 (Permalink)

Mold in NJ, Mold and Property Value in NJ, Mold home inspection Mold in NJ, Mold and Property Value in NJ, Mold home inspection

Mold in NJ, Mold and Property Value in NJ, Mold home inspection

Mold can affect property value and is a common concern for both sellers and buyers. Mold in a home does not have to ruin a sale! But it can negatively affect the property value if the problem isn’t handled correctly and timely. Part of the negative affect on property value is overall perception. For example, no potential buyer wants to walk into a home with mold, it simply just isn’t appealing. Not only does it affect the appearance and the perception of the property, it may incite fear in the buyer due to the potential property damage. Keep in mind the following to prevent mold from lowering your property value.

Mold Disclosure. Each state has it’s own regulations when it comes to mold disclosure. Be sure to check with a real estate lawyer or realtor in your state to avoid costly legal problems.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold "Removal" vs Remediation

9/10/2020 (Permalink)

Since microscopic mold spores exist naturally almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors, removing all mold from a home or business is impossible. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold. This is a fallacy.

A qualified restoration company understands the science behind mold and mold growth. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your home or business. Mold remediation focuses on getting mold levels back to normal, natural levels.

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. To learn more about our mold remediation process.

  • Step 1: Emergency Contact 856-227-7800
  • Step 2: Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment
  • Step 3: Mold Containment
  • Step 4: Air Filtration
  • Step 5: Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials
  • Step 6: Cleaning Contents and Belongings
  • Step 7: Restoration
  • When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

    • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
    • Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
    • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants and have the potential to cause other health effects. 
    • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
    • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
    • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

Mold inspection in NJ, Mold in Attic in NJ, black Mold remediation in NJ

9/10/2020 (Permalink)

Mold inspection in NJ, Mold in Attic in NJ, black Mold remediation in NJ Mold inspection in NJ, Mold in Attic in NJ, black Mold remediation in NJ

Mold inspection in NJ, Mold in Attic in NJ, black Mold remediation in NJ

Attic mold is often the result of a source of water intrusion, poor construction materials or construction installation, or condensation from Humidity from Pipes, Exhausts, Chimneys, and Stacks. One of the first steps in the prevention of Attic mold is to ensure that your Attic is free of any moisture and doesn't support a damp, humid environment where mold can thrive.

If mold in the Attic is already a problem in your home, there are many options for the control and removal Attic mold. Depending on the extent and severity of the problem, and the type of mold, you may need to explore options for professional mold removal.

There are 4 critical requirements for mold growth, available mold spores, available mold food, appropriate temperatures and considerable moisture. The removal of any one of these items will prohibit mold growth.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Mold inspections, Attic Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Humidity and Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom drywall mold in NJ

9/10/2020 (Permalink)

Humidity and Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom drywall mold in NJ Humidity and Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom drywall mold in NJ

Humidity and Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom Mold in NJ, Bathroom drywall mold in NJ

Bathroom mold, and mold on bathroom ceiling and drywall, is often the result of a source of water intrusion, poor construction materials or construction installation, or condensation from Humidity from Pipes, and Exhausts. One of the first steps in the prevention of Bathroom mold is to ensure that your Bathroom, is free of any moisture and doesn't support a damp, humid environment where mold can thrive.

If mold in the Bathroom is already a problem in your home, there are many options for the control and removal Bathroom mold. Depending on the extent and severity of the problem, and the type of mold, you may need to explore options for professional mold removal.

There are 4 critical requirements for mold growth, available mold spores, available mold food, appropriate temperatures and considerable moisture. The removal of any one of these items will prohibit mold growth.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Bathroom Mold inspections, Bathroom Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood NJ Gloucester Township

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Indoor Basement Mold in NJ, Basement Mold in NJ, Indoor Mold NJ

9/9/2020 (Permalink)

Indoor Basement Mold in NJ, Basement Mold in NJ, Indoor Mold NJ Indoor Basement Mold in NJ, Basement Mold in NJ, Indoor Mold NJ

Indoor Basement Mold in NJ, Basement Mold in NJ, Indoor Mold NJ

Basement mold is often the result of a source of moisture — leaky foundations or condensation from appliances are typical culprits. One of the first steps in the prevention of basement mold is to ensure that your basement is free of any moisture and doesn't support a damp, humid environment where mold can thrive.

If mold in the basement is already a problem in your home, there are many options for the control and removal basement mold. Depending on the extent and severity of the problem, and the type of mold, you may need to explore options for professional mold removal.

There are 4 critical requirements for mold growth – available mold spores, available mold food, appropriate temperatures and considerable moisture. The removal of any one of these items will prohibit mold growth.

The only way to reduce the threat of mold in a home is to maintain an environment that is not hospitable for the germination of mold spores. The temperature should be 74-78 degrees F, and the relative humidity of 60% or less. It is important that the air conditioning system (HVAC) be kept on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Inconsistent operation or fluctuations in the temperature and humidity are the cause of many serious mold outbreaks.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Stucco Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon BarrettMarketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold removal in NJ, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Humidity Bloom in NJ

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

Mold removal in NJ, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Humidity Bloom in NJ Mold removal in NJ, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Humidity Bloom in NJ

Mold removal in NJ, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold in NJ, Mold Humidity Bloom in NJ

Mold Humidity Bloom is the growth of mold within a living space due to the elevation of indoor relative humidity at or above 60 percent relative humidity for a period of time greater than 72 hours and must be maintained for growth to continue. When the humidity is above 60 percent relative humidity, molds will germinate causing what is referred to as a mold bloom. These molds can bloom in many colors and are often confused with dust, dirt, foxing, or cobwebs.

Humidity for an extended period of time, typically in excess of 72 hours to initiate the bloom and must be maintained for growth to continue. When the humidity is above 60 percent relative humidity, molds will germinate causing what is referred to as a mold bloom. These molds can bloom in many colors and are often confused with dust, dirt, foxing, ghosting, or cobwebs

Both active and inactive mold can have a distinctive smell, which most people describe as musty.

Active mold in the early stages of a bloom has hair-like filaments in webs, which develop a more bushy appearance as the bloom matures. This is more easily seen under magnification. Active mold is soft and may smear when touched with a fine brush. It may also be slimy and damp.

Inactive mold is dry and powdery and will seem to brush off materials readily.

Mold and mildew are words that refer to more than 100,000 species of fungi. Mold spores are present everywhere in our environment, generally in a dormant state where they do little damage. Spores require moisture to become active. They do not require light.

When water or high relative humidity provides the necessary moisture, dormant spores will germinate, grow fine web-like structures, and eventually produce fruiting bodies that release more spores. Most molds will germinate at 60 percent relative humidity. Increases in temperature can speed the growth rate of active mold.

There are 4 critical requirements for mold growth – available mold spores, available mold food, appropriate temperatures and considerable moisture. The removal of any one of these items will prohibit mold growth.

The only way to reduce the threat of mold in a home is to maintain an environment that is not hospitable for the germination of mold spores. The temperature should be 74-78 degrees F, and the relative humidity of 60% or less. It is important that the air conditioning system (HVAC) be kept on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Inconsistent operation or fluctuations in the temperature and humidity are the cause of many serious mold outbreaks.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Stucco Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Mold in Blackwood NJ, Mold in Glendora NJ, Mold Remediation NJ

9/4/2020 (Permalink)

Mold in Blackwood NJ, Mold in Glendora NJ, Mold Remediation NJ Mold in Blackwood NJ, Mold in Glendora NJ, Mold Remediation NJ

Mold in Blackwood NJ, Mold in Glendora NJ, Mold Remediation NJ

Since microscopic mold spores exist naturally almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors, removing all mold from a home or business is impossible. Many restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold. This is a fallacy. We understand mold and mold growth. SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township has the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your home or business.

Signs of Mold? Call Today – (856) 227-7800

Understanding Mold

When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

The Mold Remediation Process

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. Learn more about our mold remediation process.

  1. Emergency Contact - (856) 227-7800
  2. Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment
  3. Mold Containment
  4. Air Filtration
  5. Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials
  6. Cleaning Contents and Belongings

We offer free estimates, for Mold Inspections, Mold Remediation, and Discolorations on Surfaces.

Jon A. Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp

Phone: (856) 227-7800



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Mold and Stucco remediation in NJ, Stucco mold in NJ, Water intrusion in NJ, Stucco repair in NJ

9/2/2020 (Permalink)

Mold and Stucco remediation in NJ, Stucco mold in NJ, Water intrusion in NJ, Stucco repair in NJ Mold and Stucco remediation in NJ, Stucco mold in NJ, Water intrusion in NJ, Stucco repair in NJ

Mold and Stucco remediation in NJ, Stucco mold in NJ, Water intrusion in NJ, Stucco repair in NJ

The process of repairing the stucco is referred to as stucco remediation. Your first instinct may be to simply call a stucco company to repair the façade of your home, but that might not be the right thing to do.

Companies that are stucco only will have the know-how to remove and replace the existing façade of your home. 

This repair and remediation process occurs mostly around Windows, Gutters, and Doorways, and the Stucco Wall cavities themselves.  Incorrect Materials and Installation, and Water Weep Screens, are typically the problem.

While this is important, it may simply cover up the effects caused by the moisture. The structural integrity of your home can still be in jeopardy if the underlying problems still exist.

Simply put, a stucco repair company could lack the knowledge and ability to identify and repair the problems that result from the water damage. And if they aren’t properly corrected, that can lead to even more damage and expense in the future.

Moisture intrusion most often affects stucco-clad homes, but can also affect homes made of brick, stone, wood or composite siding, and typically affects homes built between 1985 and 2003. Having the right person inspect your home for damage is crucial to find and repair problems to the home’s wood structure that aren’t visible to the eye. Rot and mold within the wall cavity can cause serious damage, causing Thousands of Dollars in repairs and remediation.

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Stucco Mold remediation, Mold remediation, Flood damage in NJ, Flood cleaning in NJ, Covid 19 Cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Water damage restoration in Blackwood NJ, Fire Damage in Blackwood NJ, Mold remediation in Blackwood NJ, Biohazard cleaning in Blackwood NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in Blackwood NJ

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Jon Barrett Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

Why and Where Mold Grows, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold cleaning in NJ, Mold inspection in NJ

8/27/2020 (Permalink)

Why and Where Mold Grows, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold cleaning in NJ, Mold inspection in NJ Why and Where Mold Grows, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold cleaning in NJ, Mold inspection in NJ

Why and Where Mold Grows, Mold remediation in NJ, Mold cleaning in NJ, Mold inspection in NJ

Mold can grow on virtually any organic material as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that grow on:

  • Wood
  • Paper
  • Carpet
  • Food
  • Insulation

Because mold eats or digests what it is growing on, it can damage a building and its furnishings. If left unchecked, mold eventually can cause structural damage to building materials.

Molds gradually destroy the things they grow on. You can prevent damage to buildings and building contents, save money by controlling moisture and eliminating mold growth.

Eliminating all mold and mold spores indoors is virtually impossible, but controlling indoor moisture will control the growth of indoor mold.

Common moisture problems include:

  • Leaking roofs.
  • Leaking or condensing water pipes, especially pipes inside wall cavities or pipe chases.
  • Leaking fire-protection sprinkler systems.
  • Landscaping, gutters and down spouts that direct water into or under a building.
  • High humidity (60% relative humidity).
  • Unvented combustion appliances such as clothes dryers vented into a garage. (Clothes dryers and other combustion appliances should be vented to the outside.)

Some moisture problems are not easy to see. For example, the inside of walls where pipes and wires are run (pipe chases and utility tunnels) are common sites of mold growth. Mold is frequently found on walls in cold corners behind furniture where condensation forms. Other possible locations of hidden moisture, resulting in hidden mold growth are:

  • Poorly draining condensate drain pains inside air handling units.
  • Porous thermal or acoustic liners inside duct work.
  • Roof materials above ceiling tiles.
  • The back side of drywall (also known as gypsum board, wallboard, or SHEETROCK®), paneling, and wallpaper.
  • The underside of carpets and pads.

Humidity levels can rise in a building as a result of the use of:

  • Humidifiers
  • Steam radiators
  • Moisture-generating appliances such as dryers
  • Combustion appliances such as stoves

Cooking and showering also can add to indoor humidity.


Condensation can be a sign of high humidity.

When warm, humid air contacts a cold surface, condensation may form. (To see this, remove a cold bottle of water from a refrigerator and take it outside on a hot day. 

We offer free estimates, for Mold Inspections, Mold Remediation, and Discolorations on Surfaces.

Jon A. Barrett

Marketing Manager SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp Phone: (856) 227-7800 Email: Website: Emergency Services 24/7/365 Federal, State, Industrial, Commercial and Residential Restoration Services

Mold Remediation in NJ, Biohazard cleaning in NJ, Mold in NJ

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation in NJ, Biohazard cleaning in NJ, Mold in NJ Mold Remediation in NJ, Biohazard cleaning in NJ, Mold in NJ

Mold Remediation in NJ, Biohazard cleaning in NJ, Mold in NJ,

As Veteran Owned and Operated, SERVPRO of Blackwood and Gloucester Township NJ, offers free estimates for Covid 19 Cleaning in NJ, Water damage restoration in NJ, Fire Damage in NJ, Mold remediation in NJ, Biohazard cleaning in NJ, Crime Scene cleaning in NJ, Sump Pump Failure in NJ,.  We are Certified for EPA, CDC, WHO, IICRC, and ABRA Industry Standards for Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Restoration Techniques.

Phone: 8562277800

****Veteran Owned and Operated

SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township


  • AMRT - Applied Microbial Remediation Technician
  • ASD - Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • CCT - Carpet Cleaning Technician
  • ECTP - Employee Certification Training Program
  • FSRT - Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Technician
  • IICRC Certified Firm
  • RRRP - Lead-Based Paint Activities and Renovation
  • WRT - Water Damage Restoration Technician


  • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
  • Burlington Camden County Association of REALTORS
  • Camden County Regional Chamber of Commerce
  • Environmental Protection Agency - EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm
  • Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification - IICRC
  • National Fire Protection Association - NFPA
  • New Jersey American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • State of New Jersey BioHazard Restoration
  • State of New Jersey Mold Remediation

Faster to Any Size Disaster

Residential and Commercial Restoration and Cleaning Services

As a trusted leader in the restoration industry, SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township provides 24-hour residential and commercial services such as water damages, fire response, and bio-hazard clean up and more. As a locally owned and operated business we are dedicated to helping you when disaster strikes and turns your life upside down. We ave a team of trained professionals in property damage restoration. Our phones are answered around the clock and guarantee you the fastest and best service around. When you have a flood in your basement or your business has been displaced due to a fire, you need a quick response from someone who can help you.

24-Hour Emergency Service

Faster to Any Size Disaster

Highly Trained Restoration Technicians

A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry

Locally Owned and Operated

Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment

Have Questions? Call Us Today – 8562277800

Jon Barrett

Marketing Manager

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp

Phone: (856) 227-7800


Website: https://www.SERVPROblackwoodgl...

****Veteran Owned and Operated

3 Factors That Can Contribute to Mold Regrowth in Homes

5/9/2020 (Permalink)

black mold on drywall Black mold on drywall.

If you notice a musty odor or mold that is dark in color in your home in Sicklerville, NJ, your home likely has black mold. However, you may notice that the mold reappears shortly after you thought it was gone. There are several reasons regrowth commonly occurs in homes.

1. Access to Water

In damp environments, mold often thrives, and a leaky faucet or broken appliance can provide mold with the perfect environment to continuously regrow in one area. Residual water from flooding or other types of water damage also makes regrowth more likely. Many homeowners find it helpful to contact mold remediation experts to assist in mold cleanup.

2. Humidity

Even if your home hasn’t been affected by flooding or leaks, high levels of humidity are often enough to cause black mold growth. In kitchens or bathrooms, mold is particularly likely to grow due to humidity. Though it isn’t always possible to avoid high humidity levels in your home, using a dehumidifier in areas that are particularly humid can sometimes help to prevent mold growth.

3. Circulation of Air

Though many people may not consider the circulation of air to be a factor in mold regrowth, the airflow in a home can affect the rate at which it grows. Spores spread more easily in a home that has lots of air circulation, which can be caused by air conditioners or by windows being left open. Though it’s often not possible to eliminate air circulation in a house entirely, reducing the amount of airflow in the area that is prone to mold growth can be helpful.

Black mold is most likely to regrow in an area when it has access to water and when there are high levels of humidity and airflow in a home. You can more easily prevent mold from spreading in your home when you understand the common causes of regrowth.

Visit our website at or call our office at SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township today for a mold remediation estimate at 856-227-7800.

Mold Inspections

3/13/2020 (Permalink)

You may think you’ve ferreted out all the mold in your home, but the odds are you don’t even know all the places to start looking for mold growth. Mold isn’t just a surface issue; did you know if you have mold on your walls, it’s likely you also have mold behind your walls as well? And not just there. Let’s take a look at six places where you might find mold, as long as you know where to look.

1. Behind your walls. Moldy drywall can leave your entire house smelling musty and can let mold spread unchecked and out of sight.
2. Underneath your carpeting. If moisture gets trapped under your carpet, it’s a perfect space for mold to grow – enclosed, dark, with pockets of wetness for it to feed on. It will also feed on organic matter such as carpet glue and carpet fiber.
3. Inside the wood of your floors. Because mold feeds on organic matter, older wood floors can be ripe for this. Mold on wood happens when wood gets old and begins to soften with frequent water absorption.
4. Under sinks. Drips and leaks can slowly accumulate under sinks until you don’t even think to check in this out-of-the-way place when mold growth can be slow – but once it starts, it’s hard to get rid of.
5. Underneath laminate flooring. Laminate flooring has many of the same problems as carpeting, and once moisture is trapped underneath, mold will happily devour the glue on the laminate.
6. Inside your appliances. Refrigerators and air conditioners are the worst culprits when they can often accumulate condensation that feeds mold. Any appliance that attracts condensation can grow mold, though.

Sometimes, you may not be able to identify mold growth in small spaces or have the tools to check for mold underneath flooring. That’s when a mold remediation specialist at SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township  can come in handy – to help you get your mold problem under control. 

Mold damage

3/9/2020 (Permalink)

It is important to treat water damage immediately when it happens or right when it is discovered. When water damage occurs, small or large, and is not properly treated, there is potential that it could lead to further damages. In as little as 48 hours, mold can begin to spread throughout the affected areas, especially if the conditions of the area are moist and dark. Do not leave the safety of your home up to chance. If you have experienced water damage take charge and give the professionals a call to properly dry out your home to prevent mold growth. SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township has highly trained technicians with years of experience and certifications to get the job done. Do not hesitate to give SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township a call(8560227-7800. Our team is dedicated to helping you when disaster strikes!


3/4/2020 (Permalink)

In order for mold to grow and thrive, there must be excess moisture, food, the right temperature and lack of ventilation. 

The most important step that any property owner can take is to identify any humidity, moisture or water problems before they create bigger more costly issues. Look for any water or moisture present in your home.  Be sure to pay special attention to your plumbing in basements and crawl spaces where a water leak wouldn't be as noticeable.  Recognize musty or moldy odors, which indicate mold growth.  Your sense of smell may alert you to potential problems you cannot see.   As soon as you become aware of a different smell this is perfect time to start investigating a little bit further.  Control humidity in bathrooms and wherever water is used on a regular basis.  The use of exhaust fans, proper caulking and effective cleaning with a bleach based product will help keep problems away.  Inspect your HVAC systems and air conditioners as well as this is a common location where mold is present.  Regular inspection and maintenance can identify moisture problems or drain clogs before they get worse.  

If moisture or mold  is spotted contact  SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township professionals to come out and take a look. We will be able to provide you with an estimate for what it will take to clean the affected areas.

Grout and Caulking Damage in Old Shower.

11/19/2019 (Permalink)

Image shows old cracking caulk on and old shower enclosure. Don't let your caulk get to this point!

As your tiled shower ages, it is important to keep your caulking and grout in good repair. Water and mold damage is caused by deteriorating or missing caulking and grout which causes water to seep underneath the surface damaging your shower walls over time. Between 1965 and 1990 drywall was used behind tile and when it gets wet it expands and swells causing the grout to crack. In recent years they have started using cement board that do not swell when moist and can be treated with a waterproofing. This makes your shower less likely to have major water issues, but it is still important to check your caulking and grout regularly, making repairs immediately to prevent a costly project. SERVPRO was contacted for a water damage in this home. After examining the area and performing a moisture check, it was discovered that the walls were wet due to damaged and missing grout. Our professionally trained production crew removed all the damaged tile and drywall in this shower and the remaining structure was cleaned and treated for mold.

If you think you have a moisture problem in your shower contact SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township at 856-227-7800.

Lindenwold, NJ Mold

9/10/2019 (Permalink)

split image showing black mold-like substance on the ceiling, other side showing black mold-like substance around skylight Laundry room and kitchen ceilings in Lindenwold home.

Lindenwold resident reached out to SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township when he saw what he thought to be mold in the laundry room and kitchen. He was concerned with the health issues that this situation could cause. Our SERVPRO Professionals went out and scoped the job. The ceiling in both the laundry room was affected. The entire laundry room ceiling had to be cut out and 2 ft from the top of drywall down. In the kitchen we cut the mold out by the skylights. There was also a 3x3 section of drywall that we cut out in the bathroom. All areas were treated with an antimicrobial solution. The source of the problem for the mold growth was unknown to us. There was not a leak that we could tell in either the attic or around the skylights. We cleaned the dryer vent in the laundry room, it was venting outside. We cleaned the ceiling vent in the bathroom as well. All of the mold was removed and the customer was happy and ready for reconstruction.

If you suspect mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township right away. Mold grows and spreads very quickly. We offer free estimates. SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township 856-227-7800.

Help Prevent Mold Growth

5/15/2019 (Permalink)

Mold in Gloucester Township sun room.

Molds needs moisture, you're most likely to see mold in damp places such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, and crawl spaces. Molds can also grow on your walls, floors, appliances, carpet, or furniture – they can all provide the food mold needs to grow.

It's impossible to get rid of all mold and mold spores in your home, but because mold spores can't grow without moisture, reducing moisture in your home is the best way to prevent or eliminate mold growth. If there is already mold growing in your Blackwood or Gloucester Township home, it's important to fix the problem causing the dampness, and then have the professionals at SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township come remove or remediate the mold. If you clean up the mold but don't fix the problem, the mold will most likely return.

Here is some advice for reducing moisture throughout the home with specific tips for the areas most prone to dampness and mold growth:

Around the house:

• Use dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

• Keep air conditioning drip pans clean.

• Add insulation to cold surfaces, such as exterior walls, floors, and windows to reduce condensation.

• Dry wet areas within 24 to 48 hours to prevent mold growth.

• Open doors between rooms to increase circulation.

In the kitchen:

• Use exhaust fans to move moisture outside.

• Check for leaks around the kitchen sink, refrigerator ice makers, and other sources of water.

• Empty and clean refrigerator drip pans if necessary.

In basements and crawl spaces:

• Put a plastic cover over dirt in crawl spaces.

• Be sure crawl spaces are well ventilated.

• Consider painting concrete floors and using area rugs instead of wall-to-wall carpet in basements.

• Make sure gutters are working properly and that outdoor landscaping causes water to run away from -- not toward -- the house.

In the laundry room:

• Vent your clothes dryer to the outside.

• Make sure the vent is clear of obstructions.

In bathrooms:

• Use exhaust fans to remove moisture to the outside

• Check for leaks around basins and tubs and have them repaired if necessary.

• Open a window when showering.

• Avoid leaving damp towels on the floor or in laundry hamper.

In small amounts, mold spores are usually harmless, but when they land on a damp spot in your home, they can start to grow. If you suspect a mold problem in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township for a free estimate. 856-227-7800. Don’t let a mold situation get out of hand. We are Here To Help.

How To Manage Mold

4/19/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage not attended to lead to this mold growth.

Molds are found in every environment, and mold spores reproduce rapidly when moisture is present. Molds have a potential for health concerns and this is one important reason to prevent moisture problems that lead to mold growth. Possible health effects include runny nose, sneezing, couching, aggravation of asthma, sore throat or sinus problems.

Intrusion of water into your home or place of business can result in mold growth. Water intrusions can result from storm damage, plumbing or equipment failures, long-standing leaks, and poor humidity control. When water intrusions are not addressed right away, the resulting damage can present increased risk of harmful mold growth. If the humidity and moisture levels in a water-damaged environment are not promptly returned to normal, mold spores may grow and multiply.

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township Professionals handle water damage every day and know prompt action is required to prevent mold growth. If you are experiencing an ongoing moisture problem in you home or office be alert for:

• The presence of visible mold.

• Strong musty odors.

• Any evidence of past moisture problems.

• Excessive humidity.

These conditions may require the expertise of the Professionals at SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township to inspect the building for mold growth and/or water damage problems. Contact us to protect your health and your property.

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township is Here To Help. 856-227-7800.

Mold Remediation in Gloucester Twp., N.J.

3/15/2019 (Permalink)

Gloucester Township Mold Remediation: Day 1 and Day 5

Local homeowner in Gloucester Township noticed the water bill being excessively high in her vacant property. When the homeowner went to the property, the basement was flooded and visible mold was everywhere. A pipe split and went unnoticed for some time. SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township was called to do the job. Once the basement was emptied of it’s contents, the remediation process could begin. Some of the walls were cut 2’ high and others had to be cut 4’ high or even removed due to the rapid spread of mold growth. Several dehumidifiers were placed to control the humidity in the air. The area was then treated with what we call a “Hepa Sandwich” which is, Hepa Vac all studs, wipe all studs and a second pass with the Hepa Vac. Air movers were placed on the final day to ensure the structure was completely dry.

Testimony from our customer:

“After a pipe split in my house and the entire basement flooded, SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township was there. Wayne came in and not only helped professionally but knew exactly what to say to calm me down. Within a few days I went from completely overwhelmed to a sense of calm knowing and watching the crew do what they do best. Their work is incredible. Thank You”

If you see mold, or suspect mold call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township at 856-227-7800.

Plant Mold and Mildew: What To Do.

3/10/2019 (Permalink)

Mold in the home requires restoration professionals like SERVPRO. However, your house plants or gardens can get affected with mold and mildew as well. Over-watering, lack of sunlight or poor air circulation can make your plants susceptible. Plant mildew and mold may look unsightly, eliminating them is usually less challenging than you might think.

Moldy Leaves

Mold can infiltrate your plant’s leaves. To remedy the situation, follow these steps:

• Take the affected plant outside

• Remove mold with a wet paper towel, taking caution to avoid contaminating other areas of the plant

• Cut off moldy leaves that you cannot easily wipe down

• Spray remaining leaves with a fungicide.

• Return the plant to a sunlit area with adequate air circulation.

Moldy Soil

Moist soil is also a potential breeding ground for mold. To alleviate the problem, scoop off any soil surface mold. If mold growth is abundant, you may need to replant with fresh potting soil. To avoid recontamination, allow new soil to dry before re-watering the plant.

Moldy Growth

Plant mildew often appears as a white, powdery substance on the surface of leaves. To eliminate this fungus, follow these three steps: • Wipe contaminated leaves and stems with a paper towel to remove some of the mildew

• Cut off lower infected leaves to reduce the risk of additional mildew growth

• Spray plant with a fungicide, allowing the solution to run off the leaves To avoid damaging the plant, wait a week to reapply the treatment if the initial spray did not kill all of the mildew.

Reducing excessive moisture is a key prevention strategy for houseplants and your home in general. But if a burst pipe or flood causes significant water damage, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township to help mitigate the risk of mold growth inside your home.

Mold Testing: When to Have It Done

3/5/2019 (Permalink)

If you see mold have it remediated by SERVPRO Professionals.

When should you spend money on mold testing?

First things first- If you see visible mold—you usually do NOT need a mold inspection or mold testing. If you already see it, then you need to simply have it removed following industry standards. You may wonder, Don’t you need to know what kind of mold it is so you can determine if it is toxic? Knowing what type of mold is irrelevant at this point, a mold professional, like SERVPRO, needs to get rid of the mold. Mold Remediation Principles are followed to remove mold regardless of the color, species, etc.

Mold testing can be useful in certain circumstances, though.

• When visible mold is not present, but the smell of mold is. Here a mold inspection and mold test can reveal whether there is indeed elevated mold, and where it is located.

• There have been plumbing leaks or water issues and there is a suspicion that elevated mold may exist in the air and/or behind walls.

• Post Mold Removal Clearance Testing to ensure that the previous mold issues has been resolved and mold counts have returned to levels found in normal environments of the same type.

•Health Concerns: In some cases a doctor or the patient has a health issue that they cannot pinpoint the cause but seems to be related to mold symptoms (coughing, sneezing, headaches, etc). Here, a mold inspection and test may help to confirm whether the doctor’s or patient’s suspicions that a mold problem exists.

• For real estate transactions for the protection of Buyers and Sellers.

• Landlord/Tenant disputes as to whether there is a mold problem.

• Someone thinks they see or smell mold but are not sure.

• Someone is interested in a general Indoor Air Quality test of their environment.

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township offers professional mold spore testings. Our technician comes out and samples indoor and outdoor air quality. We then send the samples to a lab to be tested and interpreted. A full report is issued within three to five days. There is a fee for the testing.

If you would like more information on mold testing or mold remediation please call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township at 856-227-7800.

Don’t Use Bleach to Kill Mold!

10/4/2018 (Permalink)

If you suspect mold, Call SERVPRO. Don't use bleach.

Using chlorine bleach to kill mold is probably one of the worst things you can do.

As a matter of fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), stopped recommending the use of bleach for dealing with mold problems. And, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated their guide as well, removing the suggestion to use bleach to kill mold.

The problem is, it’s true that bleach can kill some mold in some places some of the time.  But, bleach only works to remove mold on hard, impermeable surfaces like bathtub and shower surrounds or tiles. However, on porous surfaces like drywall or hardwood floors, it won’t work to kill mold or keep it from coming back.
Mold spreads its roots deep into porous surfaces.
Simply spraying a bleach solution on the surface won’t kill mold spores at their roots.

Here are some reasons Why you should NOT to Use Bleach to Kill Mold

•   Bleach encourages toxic mold growth on     porous surfaces because it provides excess moisture.
•   Bleach only removes the color from mold.
•   Chlorine bleach is extremely harmful to surfaces.
•   Bleach is extremely corrosive.

You don’t want to use bleach to kill mold because there are many antimicrobial alternatives readily available. The Professionals at SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. have the knowledge and equipment to safely remove mold from your home or business.  We care about the proper restoration of your structure.

If you think you have a mold problem, call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. to protect your health and property. (856)227-7800.

MOLD in your Coffee Pot?

9/14/2018 (Permalink)

Keep your coffee pot clean and free of mold.

Your clean you wipe and wash your kitchen, keep your dishes done run hot water through your coffee machine from time to time. Could there be mold in my coffee? A study done by National Science Foundation (NSF) found that the largest concentration of germs is located ( no not the bathroom) but in the kitchen. Guess what the top 10 dirtiest items are Kitchen sponges, Kitchen Sink, Toothbrush Holder, Pet Bowl, COFFEE RESERVOIR, Faucet Handles, Pet toys, Counter tops, Stove knobs, and Cutting boards..

   A pets bowl is cleaner than  your coffee reservoir? Inside half these reservoirs they found mold and yeast. A staggering 10% have been exposed to Coliform Bacteria.

How is that even possible?

     I run hot water through my machine to make the coffee.  I also thought coffee had antibacterial properties to it.  Should those two things be enough to keep the bacteria and mold at bay? Nope not even close for water to work it needs to be boiling NO coffee maker gets water to reach its boiling point. You would sue them for getting burned all the time. The acid in coffee only works on about half of the germs that are found in the pot and filter. If anything the warm moist environment makes it the perfect breeding ground for the bacteria and mold.

    Our bodies are great at adapting. We build up a resistance to these germs that are ingested in small amounts over the course of time. When ingesting a potentially harmful organism  our body does have the ability to filter out some of the infected particles. This is not ideal because the germs too adapt and can slip by your immune system eventually and make you sick.

How to clean your Coffee Maker:

    The frequency is commensurate with how often you use your machine. If you use it for a pot per day I would suggest a through cleaning once a week. If you have a machine that gets more use like a communal one at work a few times a week would be advised. All parts of the coffee machine that can be removed should be for effective cleaning. This includes but is not limited to carafe if there is one, the basket that houses the filter and coffee itself, any parts of the machine that can be removed easily. Make sure you use hot soapy water to eliminate germs, stains, and residue oils left over from making the coffee. Once this is done make sure everything is fully dry before you put your machine all back together.

    Your water no matter how hot or soapy will leave behind elements that can encourage growth because there are minerals in the water. This will have to be removed. Because you drink from this machine it is suggested that you leave the chemicals behind and settle for some natural products. The suggestion is using a vinegar based solution at a minimum of once a month. This will d-calcify the machine and produce a better cup of coffee.

      Here the suggested way to get that done. Fill the water reservoir with half water and half vinegar… Pretend you are going to brew a pot of coffee and put the filter in where you normally would. **DO NOT PUT COFFEE IN IT** Brew this until almost half of the water has emptied into the pot turn off the machine. Walk away and leave everything for about a half an hour. Turn the machine back on and finish the brewing process. Once this is done remove the filter and just run some plain water through the machine. I would advise doing this two times to make sure the vinegar is fully out of the machine. Then do one more rinse of the hot soapy water that is being done once a week. This will ensure the bacteria and mold are not able to grow and make you sick.

   The machine is clean and there is no more mold in your coffee. This should allow you to enjoy that cup of coffee the way it was meant to be enjoyed worry free……. Happy sipping

   You may not need SERVPRO® for your coffee pot, But, if you find any signs of mold in your home or office, CALL US 856-227-7800.
We are Here To Help.

SERVPRO® of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp.

Quarantine Methods used by SERVPRO

4/4/2018 (Permalink)

In some mold cases, quarantine and containment measures could be used in parts of your home.

SERVPRO Quarantine Methods Used When Dealing with Mold Damage

Depending on the extent and severity of your mold damage, SERVPRO may deem it necessary to put in containment and quarantine measures in parts of your home. These can range in size from a few feet to entire sections of the home but are always designed to contain mold to its current extent and prevent further contamination throughout the home. If the mold is limited, you may not need to worry about containment at all. However, if our inspector does deem the situation worthy of quarantine measures, these are some of the preventative steps you can expect us to take.

Sealed HVAC Systems

One of the most often implemented containment measures is the sealing off vents and air ducts throughout the building. Mold damage in homes can spread quickly through heating and air conditioning lines, especially if the source colony is located near a vent. Sealing off HVAC systems may make temperatures a bit uncomfortable in the home, but it is worth it if the mold can be successfully contained.

Plastic Sheeting

We may put up plastic sheets and barriers across moldy surfaces to keep its spores from becoming too much of a problem. These air-tight barriers are effective at both denying the mold moisture and preventing its spores from reaching other parts of the home, and so are used widely and in both small and large mold remediation projects.

Establishing Clean Rooms and Decontamination Rooms

In some cases, we may need to erect or adapt small areas within the home for decontamination and cleaning of supplies and clothing. Whenever someone - be it SERVPRO staff or the homeowner - leaves or enters the moldy area, they have to go through this special area and make sure that no mold spores can leave the quarantined zone. This stops mold spores from hitching a ride on you and your belongings as you move between rooms.

If you think you have mold, call SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. (856)227-7800.

Our trained professionals will make it
"Like it never even happened."

The Proper Steps to Take When You Find Mold at Home

3/22/2018 (Permalink)

Mold in your Blackwood home.

Mold forms all the time in homes, even when people don’t believe it’s a problem that could happen to them. There’s a misconception that mold damage only occurs in bathrooms and basements, and people who live where humidity and moisture levels are low don’t have a risk of mold damage. This might mean a lesser risk of mildew, fungus, and mold damage occurring, but it’s still a possibility. It’s possible for anyone in any location to find mold in the home or even commercial mold damage at work. It makes it important for everyone to learn the basics involved mold and the damage it causes.

Mold in the home is not uncommon, and it always requires proper remediation. It can be found in bathrooms and basements, but it’s not limited to only appearing in those rooms. Some homeowners find mold in the home in bedrooms if the condition is right. Perhaps a leaking pipe in a wall provided enough moisture for fungus and mildew to form mold inside a wall that migrated outside the walls into the bedroom. When you see any mildew or fungus forming at home or work, it could be a sign of mold. Mildew and fungus both grow when the conditions are just right, which is very similar to the condition in which mold grows. It must have a moist area with a high level of humidity. One of the most common signs of mold in the home is the presence of a smelly odor. This smelly odor might have a hint of must to it. Most people who notice a smelly odor do nothing but use a form of deodorization to cover it up. Deodorization makes a home or office smell better, but it does nothing to kill the mold or minimize the problem.

Remediation and mitigation are both required when mold is found at home or work. A professional mold removal company is going to come to the home or office and perform numerous tasks. Remediation and mitigation occur when mold is identified. There are many different forms, which means finding out which one is invading a house or office is imperative. Once the mold is identified, it’s then removed. Mold removal involves getting the mold at the source, blocking off the area in which moisture occurs, and then performing the mitigation process. Professional mold removal is necessary because it’s the only way to get rid of mold at the source.
Anyone who finds mold at home or work should handle the situation accordingly and not attempt to remove it on their own. This only makes things worse, and mold will grow back .

SERVPRO® of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. can help with mold removal and remediation.Call us if you need help. (856)227-7800

The Truth About Mold

3/19/2018 (Permalink)

Mold is a type of fungus that consists of small organisms found almost everywhere. Mold can be black, white, orange, green, or purple. Mold plays a very important role in nature- it helps break down dead leaves, plants, and trees. We are exposed to mold daily, meaning removing all mold is impossible.


In small amounts, mold spores are usually harmless, but when they find a damp spot in your home or business, mold may begin to grow.


Mold can spread quickly, in as little as 48 hours. Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home or business through windows, doors, or AC/ heating systems. Mold often produces a strong, musty odor.


Mold can cause health effects and can also cause significant damage to your property. If mold is found, SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. has the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.


Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be taken care of, or the mold will return.


Your property will be carefully inspected for signs of mold using technology designed to detect mold and hidden water sources. The mold remediation process depends on the amount of mold growth and the types of surfaces on which the mold appears. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet; or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas in your home or business.


Here is a helpful list of specific recommendations to limit your chance of getting mold:


• Keep humidity levels as low as you can- no higher than 50%.
• Use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier during humid months.
• Be sure the home has adequate ventilation.
• Add mold inhibitors to paints before application.
• Clean bathrooms with mold killing products.
• Do not carpet bathrooms and basements.
• Remove or replace previously soaked carpets and upholstery.

 Every mold damage is different and requires different solutions. SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Twp. understands mold and mold growth, we are trained mold damage specialist who get started quickly to get your home, “Like it never even happened.”

If You See Signs of Mold,

Call Us Today (856) 227-7800


Mold Tends To Favor Hard-To-Reach Places.

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

Mold In Hard-To-Reach Places.

Mold In Hard-To-Reach Places.

Mold gets behind walls, under crawl spaces, into tiny cracks and corners, and other unreachable places in a home with relative ease. This is what has allowed mold to survive for so long throughout the planet's history: it seeks out places where little else can grow, takes root there, and spreads out as far as it can go. While this is perfect for the mold, it is bad for your home, as mold eats away at building materials and can even cause health effects for residents. SERVPRO technicians take care to check each of these key out-of-sight areas in most mold remediations, to find out if a colony has taken root without the homeowner noticing.

Under Carpets
Carpeting is one of the most at-risk materials in a home to mold damage. There are a few fundamental reasons as to why carpeting fosters mold growth. Firstly, carpets are absorbent and can store small amounts of any water spilled over them for extended periods of time, giving the mold a suitable and lasting source of moisture to survive on. Secondly, the fibers and weaving of most types of carpeting create the perfect harbor for growing mold spores. We always use thermal, chemical, and sometimes physical checks to determine if mold has worked its way under any carpeting.

Behind Walls
Most of the biggest mold colonies SERVPRO technicians tackle are located behind walls or underneath floors. These areas are static and dark, giving mold the perfect place to grow if any moisture finds its way into the vicinity. Our advanced detection equipment allows us to find mold where you'd otherwise never notice it.

In Cracks And Corners
Mold does not require much space to start growing, making it a tough opponent in constricted spaces like wall cracks and deep corners. We stock an extensive supply of specially-designed tools and materials to root out these almost unreachable colonies, so don't worry if you find the mold in a seemingly impossible place.

SERVPRO of Blackwood/Gloucester Township is a locally-owned franchise with national resources that helps homeowners to overcome mold, water, and fire damage at as little cost and strain as possible. Give us a call at (856) 227-7800.

For more information regarding mold, visit:

Top Hidden Places Where Mold May Grow In Your Home

10/24/2017 (Permalink)

Top Places Where Mold May Grow

While there are common places where most people find mold, like around showers and tubs, there are many places in a home or business where mold be hidden. It’s these hidden areas that can lead to further damage from mold which is why it’s important to check them on a regular basis for any signs of moisture or condensation. In no particular order, here are the top places where mold can grow in a home:

  1. Crawl Spaces

Most homeowners never look into their crawl spaces but they might want to. Crawl spaces can easily collect moisture from water seeping through the foundation to moisture rising from the ground. A crawl space should have a vapor barrier on the ground to keep moisture from rising up. A crawl space also need adequate ventilation to allow any moisture that may collect to flow out. Failure to keep the moisture out from your crawl space can result in mold growth on the exposed framing of your home. The mold can eventually lead to excessive damage to all wood surfaces and make its way into the home.

  1. Basements

Basements are similar to crawl spaces but the fact that they are open and exposed to the rest of the house, can result in mold spreading quickly throughout your home via the air ducts and open doors. If your basement smells musty, then you either have mold growth already happening or the high possibility of it occurring. Due to the fact that many basements are furnished and carpeted, there are more areas in a basement that are perceptible to mold growth when compared to a crawl space.

  1. Bathrooms

A good ventilation fan is important in a bathroom not for the odor issues but the moisture issues. This is especially true with bathrooms where there are showers in them. While everybody loves a hot shower, a hot shower also creates a large amount of moisture that can lead to mold growth. Another area where mold may grow is behind toilets and under sinks with cabinets. Moisture can condensate on the toilet tank and wall causing mold to form on the wall.

  1. Under the Refrigerator

Some refrigerators have drip pans where water can collect. If dust or debris get into the drip pan, mold can start to grow. Water can also leak from the water line or drip from the cooling coils. It’s a good idea to check every few months as well as keep it clean by sweeping and vacuuming on a regular basis.

  1. Around the Washing Machine

The washing machine and the dryer are both susceptible to mold growth. If the dryer vent hose does not properly vent out the steam from the drying clothes, it can accumulate in the hose or around the back of the dryer causing mold to grow. Washing machines can also leak and drip down under the machine where dust can gather creating the perfect home for mold growth. Just like the refrigerator, it’s important to keep the areas clean and check underneath them often.

Does Your Home Or Business Have A Mold Problem?

4/27/2017 (Permalink)

Mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (856) 227-7800

Does your Blackwood Home Have a Mold Problem?

4/20/2017 (Permalink)

Mold growth at a local property

Mold Damage

Mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours. Mold growth is common in springtime with warm temperatures and rain showers.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township Today: 856-227-7800


Mold Damage In Your Stratford Property

4/4/2017 (Permalink)

Mold spores are microscopic and can be located everywhere

Mold Damage

Mold spores are microscopic and can be located everywhere. There are thousands in every home and are dormant, causing no problems, for the most part. It takes an open source of water or high levels of moisture in the air to cause these spores to expand and grow. If untreated or removed, mold can quickly destroy building material and other property, costing hundreds (even thousands) of dollars in damage.

If you are concerned there may be mold damage in your Gloucester Township home, call a professional mold damage restoration company for assistance. SERVPRO has extensive training in handling mold and cleaning up property that has been infested by it.

We start by finding the source of the mold and determining just how far it may have already grown. Our technicians use air testers to determine the exact levels which help us plan how to neutralize and remove it. Once we find it, the next step is to isolate the affected room or area. Our response team seals off all entrances and exits using plastic sheeting and duct tape to prevent further contamination of your home. The vents and ducts of your heating and air system will be sealed off as well.

Next, technicians begin to clean the area using anti-fungal and anti-microbial sprays to destroy active spores. Every surface will be sprayed and then wiped down; if the growth is exceptionally thick in some places, we use special scrubbing tools to remove it without damaging the surface underneath. Areas difficult to reach may be cleaned by using anti-fungal foggers that get into every surface and crack mold may hide. These foggers are also used in case your heating and air system has been compromised by the mold. After the ducts have been exposed to the anti-fungal agents, technicians will use specially designed exhaust fans to blow the spores out of your home. When this is finished, we wipe down all of the vents and replace the air filters.

To prevent new mold growth, our technicians also test the air to see if the air moisture levels need to be reduced. If they do, dehumidifiers will be set up at key points to draw water from the air. Once the levels test out to under 12 percent, your home is considered to be safe against new growth. If you are worried about mold in your house, call us at (856) 227-7800 today to schedule an inspection. SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township is here to help restore your home and put your life back together.

Mold Damage Restoration

3/22/2017 (Permalink)

Mold in Sicklerville, NJ

Have you found evidence of mold contamination in various areas of your home? Did you know that it may not be possible for you to control the spread of mold spores all by yourself?

When you discover mold damage in your Gloucester Township home, there are a few things you should know. Beginning with, we are available if you determine that your situation is out of control and you need professional assistance. SERVPRO technicians would like to help educate you more about why mold exists and how it makes its way into your home. It is a constant part of our environment; microscopic spores exist in the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, and almost every facet of our environment.

Mold is rather harmless in small quantities; it only becomes harmful when we provide it with the correct conditions to multiply. However, you should also know that it is impossible to remove it from your home entirely. You can limit the exposure that you experience by properly maintaining and controlling the different water sources that exist in your home.

At SERVPRO we highly suggest that if you discover a water-damaged area in your home, that you find the water source, clean and dry the affected area, or immediately seek help. You need to act quickly; mold only needs 24-48 hours to begin spreading. Your entire home could become infested before you realize what has happened. Mold spores can reach areas that you cannot see and make your situation extremely hard to control.

If you are only facing small patches of mold growth, you can likely handle the job yourself. However, anything larger than three square feet is entirely different. Attempting to handle large contaminated areas could cause you to spread the infection even further, without even knowing. Choosing to hire a professional, like SERVPRO, is the best option.

If you notice that your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system contains mold, you need to shut the system off entirely and seek professional cleaning services immediately. Running the system could cause you to spread the contamination, everywhere. When you are facing a mold damage situation and need professional help, contact SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township at 856-227-7800.

SERVPRO Technicians are Certified to Remediate Your Mold Damage Problem

3/18/2017 (Permalink)

Mold in Stratford, NJ

The prospect of having mold remediation specialists enter your home and set up decontamination areas is the stuff of science fiction movies for the most part. If you have never experienced extensive mold damage before, it will be an entirely new process. And yes, it can look a little strange at first.

The reality, however, is that containment booths and decontamination areas are a lot less dramatic than they seem. They are very common, and they really are not designed to protect homeowners at all. The primary purpose of mold containment is to protect the property. Mold damage in Gloucester Township homes can spread very quickly if left unchecked.

This guide to the containment procedures used by SERVPRO will tell you a little more about what to expect.

What Does Containment Look Like?

The level of containment will depend entirely on the extent of the problem. Usually, however, we only set up small areas and cause minimal disruption to daily routines. If the mold damage is spreading across a bedroom wall, for example, the SERVPRO team may need to establish a containment perimeter around the room.

While this does mean that you will not be able to enter, there is no danger to worry about. Containment prevents mold spores from being carried out of the space and into other areas of the home. The technicians will wear special PPE suits and footwear, which are treated to neutralize spores every time that they exit the perimeter.

There will be clear polyethylene sheets set up around the affected area. They may be hung over doorways, across carpets, and along ceilings in some cases. If items or materials are removed from the containment space, they will be wrapped in this plastic first. Once again, it can look a little strange, but the SERVPRO team will discuss any concerns that you might have.

What Happens Inside the Containment Area?

The processes carried out inside the containment area are no different to those that are used on any other mold remediation job. The use of polyethylene sheets simply helps to maintain certain drying conditions. The technicians will set up dehumidifiers, negative air movers, and possibly ozone generators to deal with the source of the damp.

It may be necessary to keep some of the machines (such as fans) running constantly over a period of days. You will be informed of this, and the experts will be on site regularly to check progress.

Don’t let mold and mold damage take over your home. Get in touch with the experts at SERVPRO of Blackwood / Gloucester Township. We are experienced, highly skilled, and provide excellent customers service. Call us 24/7 at 856-227-7800

Mold "Removal" v Remediation

1/17/2017 (Permalink)

Got Mold?

Since microscopic mold spores exist naturally almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors, removing all mold from a home or business is impossible. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold. This is a fallacy.

A qualified restoration company understands the science behind mold and mold growth. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your home or business. Mold remediation focuses on getting mold levels back to normal, natural levels.

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. To learn more about our mold remediation process.

  • Step 1: Emergency Contact 856-227-7800
  • Step 2: Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment
  • Step 3: Mold Containment
  • Step 4: Air Filtration
  • Step 5: Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials
  • Step 6: Cleaning Contents and Belongings
  • Step 7: Restoration
  • When water intrudes into your property, mold growth can start in as little as 48 hours. Consider the following mold facts:

    • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
    • Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
    • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants and have the potential to cause other health effects. 
    • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
    • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
    • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.